Glutathione a powerful antioxidant for health

Glutathione is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants and is critical for maintaining good health and slowing the effects living and ageing and and acute or chronic disease.

Anti-oxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals*. Free radicals are a result of normal body processes however may play a part in autoimmune and respiratory illness, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of aging. Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins A, C, and E, Zinc and Selenium and other natural  and manufactured substances such as Glutathione and NAC.

When we are young and healthy our body produces glutathione in abundance. Formed from proteins amino acid cysteine, glycine and glutamine, it is  important for maintaining the health of the liver, and its normal detoxification process. Glutathione levels change through out the day and as we age, our levels reduce by around 10% per decade.

Our liver can become quite overloaded by highly processed fatty foods (fatty liver), a moderate intake of alcohol and drugs and some conventional drugs even if they play an important role in our health. The exposure and absorption of heavy metals and environmental toxins also take a toll on our liver function.

Glutathione plays a vital role in the function and health of the immune system, helps protect DNA and regulate cell division, and recycles other antioxidants in the body.

So its a good idea to review your lifestyle, get enough sleep, top up with a general supplement and if you tick any of the boxes above buy Glutathione supplement from a reputable brand and preferably in a liposomal formulation for maximum absorption. This will all help to keep your body and immune system healthy and strong.

*Free radicals are unstable molecules made by the process of oxidation during normal metabolism and are also the by-products of stress, radiation, environmental toxins, and poor diet.

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