Heal leg ulcers with clay
Every week at Bodywise we are asked how to heal leg ulcers. Usually ulcers occur in the elderly, those on bed rest and diabetics. When the normal healing response is compromised due to a lack of circulating blood and therefore oxygen and nutrients, an area of tissue may break down due to the slightest knock or scratch or from prolonged pressure that inhibits blood supply and waste removal. In these situations tissue will not heal and a secondary infection sets in because the skin barrier has been broken. Having a weakened digestion and underlying health problems such as getting old, diabetes, inflammation, lack of sunlight, poor diet and nutritional deficiencies all contribute to poor wound healing.

Not surprisingly, to heal your body needs extra nutrients (zinc, vitamin A and C, particularly) and an improved digestive capability to get nutrition from our digestion circulated to the skin tissue. Meanwhile avoiding and removing infection from the site is important and using quality clay can be the answer for so many people. Bentonite clay has been used for so long by humans. The traditional use of clay as medicine goes back to prehistoric times, possibly when it was discovered as a material useful for making tools.
1. Promote absorption of nutrients
Now is the time to be really attentive to what you eat and drink. Firstly, avoid inflammatory foods especially foods such as wheat that leave you feeling sluggish and affect your bowels.
An abundance of green and colorful vegetables and a quality protein (the size of your each palm) at least 2 times a day is essential to promote healing of the digestive tract and aid healing in general. A protein-deficient diet may be a contributing cause of the ulcer. Other essential nutrients are Vitamins A, C, E and the minerals Zinc, Selenium and Iodine, both significantly low in our soils.
2. Promote circulation and detoxification
Using specific herbs our Naturopath can stimulate digestion, heart function and immunity. If stress is also a problem, help find solutions both medicinal and practical and important. Gentle exercise is also important to get extra oxygen and nutrients to the outer skin and has the added benefit of reducing stress hormones. Detoxifying the body really means cleaning out the waste and is enhanced with herbal medicine and teas. Another method is using bentonite clay is a simple way to remove wastes and toxic material. You must drink a lot of water; I mean at least 2 litres per day and include a good tablespoon of ground flaxseed each day to ensure that accumulated waste is removed from the body.
3. Remove secondary infection
If you have other low grade infections such as bad teeth, gastritis, sinusitis etc, we would strongly recommend that you also take antibacterial herbs, specific to your needs for a period of treatment to match that of the use of the clay. Even if the ulcer has only a localised infection, we would suggest some herbal medicine for all the reasons stated above. The use of colloidal silver, a few drops at a time into the wound during the day may also be suggested and a healing cream such as calendula.
Now you are aware of how to the increase your overall health, here are the directions for using the healing properties of clay.
We have a couple of clay’s that we promote at Bodywise one from Australia and the other from NZ. Most of our experience has been with our bluish Australian Bentonite clay. Clay has negatively charged electrical molecules that attract a variety of toxic metals, bacteria, viruses and parasites that carry a positive charge. These positively charged toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis and accumulate in our tissues and fat, are conveniently attracted to the clay. All we have to do is help the body remove the wastes using fiber (if taken internally) or simply washed away when applied to our skin.
Use a quality clay as a pack in, on and around the ulcer daily until the ulcer has gone. This may take 2 to 4 weeks depending on the level of infection and healing capabilities. Clay removes wastes from the area and draws healthy nutrients and oxygen in the blood promoting healing. The clay will stop infection from setting in during this process.
- A thick pack of wet clay (think porridge) needs to be applied every night or for several hours during the day. If the ulcer is deep apply light single layer of gauze over the ulcer before applying the clay to make it easier to remove the next morning. Cover at least 3-5cm area of the surrounding tissue, more if these are old well-travelled legs, and wrap with plastic food wrap, cover with a bandage or sock and go to bed. Keeping the moisture in is essential
- In the morning remove the clay gently with warm water. Apply a light breathable bandage or dressing held in place by a sock or bandage that will allow the wound to dry and form a scab. IMPORTANT: It is very important you do not leave clay on the skin to dry. This will leach minerals out of the skin.
- Avoid the use of topical creams in the wound however you can apply a calendula cream to the surrounding area.
- Measure the wound and/or photograph a couple of times a week as its shrinks and heals. Also note how much more hydrated and healthy the skin becomes
- Here are some photos that showed the progress of my 70 year old friend’s leg over 2.5 months. Notice how infected the centre is and how dehydrated the skin looks in the first photo. then how much cleaner and well hydrated it is the following week. My friend was very pleased!
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