Kennel Cough removed with Pertussin

Kennel cough cured!

Kennel cough cured!

Gorgeous doggy, Paddington Bear cured of kennel cough by a homeopathic remedy from Bodywise

His lovely mother took Paddington to the local vet due kennel cough which is a form of Pertussis or whooping cough, dog style. The vet rolled his eyes when mother said that she would find a “natural” method to try to stop treat the cough. Mother contacted Bodywise and we offered Drosera, as a homeopathic medicine.

Mother reported back 2 days later ” the cough went after the second dose!. Now we are told that homeopathy does not work!. We would disagree. Remember Drosera for whooping cough and kennel cough, for humans and dogs!

email or phone us now to order your bottle of Drosera of Kennel Cough


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