Wellness Blog

Wellness, Isn’t that what we all aspire to! From weight loss to general health, wellness can be within the reach of nearly all of us! For some that means maintaining optimum health and wellbeing while for others wellness means managing chronic health issues while engaging in and enjoying family, friends, work, leisure and recreation.
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A Boost for the Men

No offence men, but many of you are famous for paying more attention to your favourite sports team, cars and […]
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Allery to pollen may change your thinking

The pollen season in upon us again and an allergy to pollen may affect your brain function and your thinking What […]
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Vitex helps relieve premenstrual symptoms

The life changing herb Vitex has been used for generations in India and Europe and is the angel herb for calming and […]
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Naturopathy and herbal medicine

Get to know our qualified medical herbalist and naturopath The healing properties of  naturopathy and herbal medicine have developed by humans […]
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Relief for hypertension and heart disease

Protect your sacred heart warming herbs for hypertension and heart disease Perhaps it is because we are having a very cold […]
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Nutrition for a happy heart is not really a great mystery

Key point: Healthy blood sugar metabolism maximises our cardiovascular health and makes for a happy heart The foods that we […]
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Tummy bugs. Tips on how to avoid and some natural remedies.

Tummy bugs can wreak havoc on your gut’s delicate ecosystem, which has more healthy bacteria of many differing strains than […]
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Heal leg ulcers with clay

Every week at Bodywise we are asked how to heal leg ulcers. Usually ulcers occur in the elderly, those on […]
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What Exactly Is Herbalism?

28 February 2018
Herbalism is a mysterious area of natural medicine. You wouldn’t be blamed if it immediately brings to mind a vision […]
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Cool Tips to avoid dehyration for a Very Hot Summer!

Its a very hot summer and many of us are suffering from symptoms of dehydration. Here are some thoughts on […]
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Want to shed a few kilos to feel good ?

It may be easier that you think… Follow the guidelines below and enjoy healthy food and exercise while you return […]
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Bodywise has moved to the Montgomery Square in Nelson

5 December 2017
To all our Bodywise community, we have found a tidy smaller venue and are thrilled with how it all works. […]
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Get rid of your pot belly

Is your pot belly making you tired and heavy? With some understanding of the causes, some essential lifestyle changes and […]
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Choose A Sunscreen Free From Harmful Ingredients

Using a sunscreen that’s free from harmful ingredients is as important as using any other body product, particularly for babies […]
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Great news for weight loss management

At Bodywise we support people who wish to use a scientifically based weight loss programme along with positive coaching, and […]
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Relief from Period Pain – Herbal Treatment

Period pain is a painful reality for 90% of women yet few seek health advice thinking it is normal. It […]
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Chicken Pox – the many natural treatments on offer

Homeopathic and Herbal Medicines for Chicken pox There has been a lot of talk about chicken pox lately, so thought it […]
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Helpful tips for a healthy festive season

If you are worried about the effects of too much rich food and alcohol, then here are some helpful tips? Firstly, back […]
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