Hi folk,

Thanks for all your support as we adapt to Level 2

Continue to make enquiries via our contact page.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Hello Bodywise folk,

We are so looking forward to seeing your faces, mixing herbs and providing the services we can provide.

Aren’t we so thankful for all the hard work put in by so many people to make Level 3 happen.

So on Wednesday we are allowed to offer a collection of your products – we are very pleased about that.

This is how it works for us:

We will try courier to you that day, if possible and if you send a screen shot of the bank payment for your purchases that will speed the process up.

Go well and many thanks for your email and support.

Sally and Bridget

Stress , burnout, exhaustion and fatigue are way to common producing a physical and psychological burden that significantly impacts day-to-day lives, work and home life.

At Bodywise, our role is to recognise the differences between physical and psychological fatigue in each person by coming to know the underlying drivers of each persons’ burnout and fatigue.

Using well researched treatments and health plans we can formulate safe individualised treatment plans for lasting relief from burnout. This includes children, teens and those on medications.

Naturopathic strategies look at all body systems (immune, hormonal, digestive, skeletal etc) and how they are functioning individually, and how your life events and lifestyle are affecting you.

This may include asking you to get blood tests for common nutrient deficiencies, hormonal levels, and general blood work.

Our herbalist can then provide combinations of liquid herbs, powdered or tableted herbal and nutritional therapies. For some we will suggest a consultation, however we always work to help anyone no matter what they can afford either in time or financially.

And, if you are pregnant or breast feeding we have safe herbs that can help restore energy and mood and productivity.

Come on in and we will advise a strategy to recover energy and well-being

Kia Ora Bodywise people

So here we are again in level 4.

We do hope you are going well in your bubbles and can enjoy the next few days even if you are working at home.

Lockdown is a great time to discover the herbs (see below) in your pantry, garden and neighbourhood for spring sniffles, especially as Bodywise is not deemed essential during level 4 and will remain closed    

However, free Naturopathic advice is available through the contact page.

Our  contact page on our website continues to be open for queries and in level 3 products may be couriered.  We will keep you posted on Facebook and via our website

Please note that any non-essential items cannot be delivered during this lockdown period and will be delivered when we leave lockdown.

We will be maintaining hygiene standards requested by government to always ensure the highest standard of cleanliness in the store and as the level dictates.

Now back to the herbs ….

Got a sniffle and need help now

No one saw this lockdown coming, so check your cupboards for remanent herbs and supplements and our ViralEase.

If you find yourself with a cold or cough, different from the one that remains nameless, see what you can find at home.

From Italian herbs and Moroccan spices in your pantry, to herbs in your garden and neighbourhood, you may have relief at your finger tips

Look for lavender, thyme, sage, manuka, nettle (use gloves) and kawakawa.  Give them a rinse to remove the pollens floating around first.

It’s simple to make – grab about a cup full of any or all fresh herbs – place in a smallish saucepan and gently simmer for about 15 minutes.  Strain off about a centimetre of gorgeous herbal tea into a mug and sip straight or dilute in hot or cold water. For kids add to a little fruit juice or make an ice block!  Drink frequently from your stock pot of nature’s powerful herbs.  Sage is not used for women who a breast feeding.

Of course, don’t forget garlic, parsley, lemon and ginger to make a lovely addition to your tea or to amp up your salad dressing or meals. Also add more thyme and rosemary to your meals and maybe a simple lavender tea to see you into the night hours

Sunshine is solar power for mood and Vitamin D, so exposure as much of your body as possible for about 15 minutes either side and then get dressed without having a shower and washing away all the oils and Vitamin D you have created.

So best wishes and thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Enjoy your bubble and hopefully more time to breathe more deeply and discover the herbs all around you. Just make sure they are the right ones!  Google is handy for identifying them or send a photo to me via Facebook Paage and I can check for you.

Sally and Bridget

Dehydrated skin and dry skin are not the same. Dryness is caused by a lack of natural oil in the skin, while dehydration means your skin lacks water. It is possible to have both dry and dehydrated skin.

Skin tends to be driest during hot dry summers and cold dry winters and air conditioning!

Dry and dehydrated skin is often a temporary or seasonal problem — one that you experience during cold winters or hot dry summers. Unfortunately for some the problem may remain a lifelong problem and is associated with certain occupations.

Signs and symptoms will depend on your age, health status, living environment, the amount of time you spend outdoors and the specific cause of your problem. Common symptoms include:

Potential causes of dry skin anywhere on the body include:

These steps can help keep your skin moist and healthy:

As many of you know we love Dr Hauschka Skin Care and the biodynamic and fair trade practice that is the foundation of all their beautiful products. Check out this great blog from Dr Hauschka Australia

All their products are available at Bodywise along with a great range of therapeutic skin care products.

As we age and with a lack of exercise we might find ourselves wishing we could touch our toes again.

We may experience stiffness that is worse during winter months when it’s colder outside and it takes more time to get up and going.

Stiffness of our muscles and joints may be as a result of a lack of movement, nutrient deficiencies or inflammation. Muscles become stiff when a muscle or a group of muscles stay contracted or partly contracted for an extended period. The brain continues to send nerve signals telling the muscle to contract even when the muscle is no longer needed for movement.

Movement such as walking, exercise programmes, yoga, swimming and dancing are all great ways to keep the signals firing up to the brain and avoid muscle rigidity.

Sedentary behaviour such as sitting at a desk all day could also contribute to stiff and achy muscles. Standing up, walking around, doing a few squats and stretching every hour will do your body (and mind!) wonders.

As well as movement there are a handful of nutrients that will assist your body to limber up.

Here are our top tips after getting up and moving:

Of course ensuring you are getting quality sleep and a balanced diet will also have you doing downward dog in no time.

For more information come and see us and we will help you touch your toes again!

Wellness brings about weight loss

Sleep -promotes energy, weight loss and slows down ageing!!!

Weight Loss and Healthy Ageing with strength and grace

You may not have connected the weight problems and ageing, but is well documented in scientific journals that being really healthy requires a diet of truly high vege, lean proteins, adequate healthy fats, some fruit and moderate exercise to maintain an appropriate weight and wellness into your years.

Ageing may be inevitable however some of the degeneration and debilitating conditions that begin in middle age may be prevented or minimised with a good honest look at lifestyle, eating and exercising habits. For those who already manage health issues read on for information that may assist with food choices and types of nutritional supplementation…

Enjoy eating balanced meals including meat and fish, vegetables and fruits and go easy on those processed, high fat (including cooking with cheap vegetable oils and margarine, and heavy foods (takeways)and too many grains or wheat products that are hard to digest. This includes most cheap breads, biscuits, muffins and breakfast cereals. Excessive alcohol will not help, and will slow down the liver bring on a bad night’s sleep. Reducing excess weight is the best medicine for all apects of health and we should not sabotage our efforts to do so.

Which nutrients are needed to assist with increasing age? 

With the passing years the body has a gradual decrease in its ability to breakdown and absorb food and its nutrients. Nutritional supplements can provide extra support especially in the prevention of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, fatigue and many other medical conditions.  Older persons are most likely to need extra amounts of the essential nutrients, which are easily obtained by taking a good quality supplement alongside your quality and colourful food.

Healthy Digestion and Bowels

Fibre from fruit and veges including lentils and legumes, ground flaxseed and psyllium husks are the best foods to promote a healthy bowel and avoid constipation. If you like a cereal based breakfast, soak uncooked, natural meusli in water or natural yoghurt overnight (not milk) then enjoy with almond butter and fresh fruit in the morning.

Diverticultis is a common condition mainly attributed to the low fibre intake typical of the Western diet for which gradual increase dietary fibre over several weeks is common clinical solution. Hard to digest fibre found in many processed cereals can lead to dehydration and constipation if you do not drink enough water. These types of fibers may also bind and expel essential minerals found within the bowel, resulting in deficiencies of trace minerals like copper and zinc. Fibre can also interact negatively with some medications.

Nervertheless, it is so very important to promote digestion from infancy to old age. At Bodywise we like to talk about the foods and stimulate the whole digestive, liver and pancreatic function so that the release of bile, stomach acid and pancreatic enzymes are all working to their optimum level to aid the proper break down of foods.

Fluids – Between meals drink 6-8 cups of water with a squeeze of lemon, sprig of mint and or grated ginger throughout the day to keep not just your body hydrated but your blood flowing easily and your energy buoyant.

Making food that thrills your taste buds – Here are some ideas to think about.

Energising Smoothee

Smoothees are a great way to get a nutritious snack and some fluid. A good clean whey protein powder, a handful of fresh fruit, a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, a teaspoon of ground flaxseed, water or rice or almond milk, a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Getting enough sunlight and Vitamin D

As you age the ability of your body to make Vitamin D from the sun diminishes greatly which may mean that those who have spent many years inside and are house bound may be seriously lacking Vitamin D, essential for absorption of calcium. See the supplement list above.

Use it or Lose It

Take daily walks or exercise such as yoga, swimming or resistance training using weights. If you enjoy your exercise with a friend it is so much more fun, especially if you live on your own. Calorie restriction diets usually diminish the amount of nutrients so choose from the foods that your grandmother would recognise to keep you on the right track. If you need to lose that spare tyre the best medicine is to cut the junk, eat smaller portions and get out and about in the garden or with a friend for a walk.

Any kind of regular and gentle exercise that raises the heart rate promotes circulation, warms the body, stimulates the elimination of waste from the tissues and most encouragingly will lift your energy.

Staying Young as You want to Feel

When you are not feeling your best and your get up a go has mysteriously got up gone, then check out the above to make sure you are looking after yourself and see your doctor if you are worried.  Lastly, reach out for help and companionship when you need it. Where possible spend time with the young in any capacity that lifts you spirits and makes you smile, everything will feel just a little better.

Lastly: Practice Gratitude

May sound corney, or even gay as the young say these days, but it works.  Give yourself unconditional thanks for getting yourself thus far, plus for the family, friends and community that you you live within. I would even go as far to say be thankful for the place we call home, our planet earth. We wouldn’t be with out it.

I will also be grateful if you have taken the time to read this and would love it if you would be so kind to    contact us to let me know what you thought of the above.

Joint pain aggravated by the deadly nightshade family of vegetables

Also known as the Solanaceae family, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers and chilli are the most common culprits within this family. Research indicates certain alkaloids may remove calcium from bones and deposit it in our soft yet structural tissues tendons, ligaments, cartilage, arteries, veins, heart, kidneys and skin.

Every summer we are tempted with the lovely summer vegetables however the deadly nightshade family naturally produce low levels of alkaloids that protect the plant against insects. For many of us that consumption results in a build-up of alkaloid deposits in the structural parts of our body.

Conditions such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory auto-immune conditions, fibromyalgia (related to arthritis), eczema and importantly digestive inflammation has improved or resolved by avoiding the nightshades. The damaging effect on the cell membrane or lining in the digestive tract contributes to most gastrointestinal issues and may aggravated conditions such as autoimmune disorders (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus etc), sleep disturbances and even weight issues.

To test your sensitivity remove, all nightshade vegetables (including seasonings and sauces) for a month. Observe and note daily in a diary how your chronic issues or pain levels are for accurate reflection on how you feel.

Winter is here and its time to support our respiratory health over the colder months, before the allergies appear in spring.

NZ grows some key respiratory herbs thanks to Phytomed and at Bodywise we can provide them as tailored made liquid tonics for little people to old people.

get your winter herbs from Bodywise

Our growing and atmospheric conditions in NZ have produced high quality herbs. Our top herbs for winter ailments that affect the lungs are:

Echinacea  Research shows it increases the number of white blood cells, which fight infections. Inulin-like fructans, also found in foods such as onion and garlic, acts as a prebiotic that in turn improves immunity through promoting healthy gut bacteria.

Kumerahou (Pomaderris kumerahou) is a well-known native herb used local Maori folk who shared the information with earlier settlers. This wonderful herb can help dislodge persistent mucous in respiratory conditons. 

Elecampane (Inula Helenium) – native to Europe and East Asia this amazing herb has a well-documented history of use as both a food and medicine for respiratory complaints. 

Volatile oils, relax and warm the lungs  while also providing antiseptic and expectorant actions, suitable for a wide range of dry to wet coughs.

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) – Early records show horseradish was used since the 13th century in Scandinavia, 

New Zealand-grown Horseradish is rich in medicinal glucosinolates and contains a small amount of strong volatile oils to support irritated and congested respiratory airways, encouraging the expulsion of excess mucus . It also acts to stimulate circulation and has a gentle warming action.

We would also suggest pre-winter that you top up on vitamins C and Zinc and have herbs ready to go at the first sign of trouble

The idea that the lunar cycle can affect people’s behaviour dates back thousands of years.

Full moon in Nelson

If the moon can exert potent effects on our seas, wildlife and plants what can it do to people, their mood, mental health, sleep and cells? Right now, the data is not definitive.

However one study has reported that in the days before a full moon, people go to sleep later in the evening and sleep for shorter periods of time. May be that is why do not wake refreshed? Another study suggests women are more effected than men. In another some people with a Bi-polar may become more manic than ususal.

Could it be that the patterns observed are an adaptation that allowed our ancestors to take advantage of this natural source of night light. More research is needed.

So if you notice changes with your mind and body, its helpful to know that they will pass as our circadian rhythms change within each day and throughout the lunar cycles and seasons.

If symptoms such as water retention, mood and sleep changes or anything else are problematic we can offer a herbal tonic to help your restore normal balance.

Are you taking an Iron Supplement?

Here are questions we need to ask:

Here are our top tips on how to get the best out of your iron supplement.

Get maximum absorption by understanding how Iron interacts with food and drinks. Foods that inhibit absorption include plant components in vegetables, tea and coffee (e.g., polyphenols, phytates), and calcium. “Giving 165 mg Ca as milk, cheese, or calcium chloride reduced absorption by 50-60%”.

Check the facts : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1984335/.

So take the above several hours away from Iron supplementation.

Vitamin C however will aid in absorption of oral iron, particularly when taken with meals. The ratio of 2:1  and will be provide even higher levels of absorption. That is, about 6 mg of elemental ascorbic acid for each 1 mg of iron. Check your supplement to see if it’s included or take it separately.

Foods that enhance your iron levels include, very well soaked and cooked beans & lentils, red meats, spinach, and citrus fruits.

Secondly, watch out for a down regulation (decrease) of absorption due to a protein called Hepcidin.  Our bodies are smart and if too much iron is sensed then hepcidin levels will increase resulting in less iron being absorbed. This can be beneficial as we don’t want too much iron or a risk of developing hemochromatosis.

Therefore it can be beneficial to take your iron intermittently eg every second day, in the morning with a breakfast that includes fruit and meusli soaked well over night, with little dairy and possibly a double dose. For an deep dive into this very important topic, especially for women read more

Of course we are always available to chat at Bodywise about the best options for you!

The fundermental rule about food is simple, provide food that looks like it came from Mother Nature.

After the first year and while food is gradually introduced the natural health principles encourage unprocessed foods at their best, raw, cooked or used from frozen. Organic produce is great however economic for all. So try to by local, spray free and hopefully you may grow veges to help supplement your grocery bill.

In general, what did all our ancestors eat that fed them so well that we are, hundreds of generations later all here today?

They ate veges, fruit and some nuts in season, some eggs, meats, fish and fowl.  Since the agrarian age began about 5000 years ago, wheat came on the menu in greater amounts as did more milk, but even then nothing like what we have all eaten in our daily lives of the last century.  There is a big debate now about the high gluten flours that do appear to be undermining health as does pasteurised milk devoid of all the naturally occurring good bacteria for our digestive systems.

Keep it simple. Plan ahead and prepare extra a dinner for healthy lunch the next day

Think about what we as adults eat in our healthy meals, and prepare according to the age and personality of your child.

Vegetables, some cooked and some raw are best just as they are for adults. Staying clear of all grains and dairy products may still be required for children and teens prone to exceama. Vary the flavours and textures. For great ideas go to a site called the www.Weston Price Foundation. They bring back common sense to eating.

Shop for several days with the intention of preparing enough food for 2 meals at a time.  ☺At dinner have   extra fish or meat, vegetables (salad) and complex carbohydrates (roasted veges or wholegrain rice) that may be made into a soup or salad for the following day.

Eat with your kids, they are bright little buttons and will watch you and want to copy, it is a social event that creates communication and builds relationships.  Getting them to participate teaches them how to prepare food and these will become life long habits, even with some erratic habits in the teenage years

In hot months and do provide water, cold and with a twist on lemon and mint, them to water, mostly between meals.

Never allow yourself to be seduced into buying expensive high sugar cordials or cereals. Do the best thing and use either a glass bottle or a stainless steel Ecotanker so that children are not drinking plastic!!!

Do not eat treats such as icecream and such foods in front of your children if you don’t want them to have such foods. They will learn what we role model to them! If you eat well children will grow into teens that will eat almost any foods. In essence kids their parents habits and behaviour. Now that not just food for thought!

Nature’s bounty – Choose food from all food groups and make it is colourful, fun and a taste sensation,

Shop for several days with the intention of preparing enough food for 2 meals at a time.  ☺At dinner have extra fish or meat, vegetables (salad) and complex carbohydrates (roasted veges or wholegrain rice) that may be made into a soup or salad for the following day.

Leave kids at home if with any one ! Dad or a friend. While it is a brief opportunity to have some space,  you will save lots of agony when they ask for all the foods you do not want them to have at home AND it will save you a fortune!!

Eat a great variety of seasonal food that looks like it has come from the garden or the farm, is colourful, smells good, and where possible is not wrapped in plastics (plastic leaches into our food and is NOT good for any of us)

Portion size guidelines for each meal –Protein, the size of your or your kids palm, Veges  the size of both of fists, and fats the size of a teaspoon, with each meal and perhaps an extra potato or spoon of wholegrain rice depending on how much exercise you get.  As many people are sensitive to bread and the sensitivity can be passed to babies, avoid bread where possible (except glutenfree in moderation) by enjoying lots of veges and complex carbohydrates.

Breakfast is so important to stimulate metabolism, energy and milk production. ☺Enjoy raw, unsweetened muesli soaked overnight in water and natural unsweetened yoghurt or rice milk. In the morning add fresh fruit and a tablespoon of almond butter or tahini and add ground linseed or LSA for breakfast and. ☺Make enough to keep for a high energy pick up in the mid afternoon instead of a muffin!! By soaking muesli your food is easily digested.  Alternatively enjoy eggs or sardines on toast are terrific brain foods. You will be full of energy until morning tea.

For snacks (even in the middle of the night), savour antioxidant packed fruit best eaten between meals will provide you with readily available energy, fibre and water to promote efficient digestion and protection from oxidative stress during the long days and nights. Other great snacks are small handfuls of walnuts, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds or as stated above sardines, tomato and avocado on a gluten free bread or some left over muesli.

Lunch is a must for energy, so enjoy those leftovers as a soup or salad.  Salads are lovely life giving energy and a good oil dressing made from extra virgin olive and flaxseed oil will feed you essential fats and a tasty apple cider vinegarette.

Dinner, just think colour and all food groups, some raw, some cooked, add herbs, some sea salt and a little in the way of spice, make food yummy, present it well. Savour this knowing that you have just made your lunch!

Lastly, remind yourself that this beautiful food is your kids fuel that makes them happy and strong.

Good heart health is vital to your overall health. We are going to discuss the hidden causes of hypertension (high blood pressure) and what you can do to reduce it.

Cardiovascular health relates to heart and blood vessels that provide a strong blood supply to all our organs, brain and soft tissues.

Monitoring our lifestyle and stress levels can have a profound effect on our heart and a healthy blood pressure.

A healthy heart maintains everything from normal blood pressure and brain function, to sleep and skin quality. Your blood pumps nutrients, oxygen and water around your body, as well as supporting your immune system and transporting the body’s messenger chemicals such as hormones. Its one busy organ.

Your heart is also affected by your emotional reactions to both acute and chronic stress.  The more on edge we are the more our heart has to work. Prolonged stress and repressing our emotions can not be avoided to some extent. However being aware of how you are feeling, finding solutions can make a big difference to your health

Here are some easy cardio health tips to squeeze into your already busy day. 

Most importantly –

For many folk day to day living is a rollercoaster of emotions. While some people easily share their emotions, too many of us have been conditioned to hide our feelings to the point of repression. Long term this can have a negative effect on our health in general and blood pressure. If you wish to learn more here is a link to research on this subject.

Take time out – Bring down time into your day.

Get off technology if possible (especially in the evenings), make a date with nature (without your phone), do you best to address your relationship issues (get help and ideas from anyone who you trust) Get social in places and with people who uplift you. Find out who can help you sort issues.

Hawthorn leaf and berries for heart health
Hawthorn leaf and berries for heart health

If you are at risk of high blood pressure you can do all of the above anytime, everyday.

You can also get support from a great variety of herbs to reduce your reactions to stress, insomnia, inflammation, and support hormones and cardiac health.

Conventional medicine can be essential for some people with high blood pressure.  The good news is that you are advised to address all the above at the same time. Another aspect is the effect from blood pressure treatments on your mood. You may want to check this out.

If in doubt and you don’t know where to start – do come in, with some time on your side and have a chat to anyone of us at Bodywise, we will give you a heads up on where to start.





Why Dr Hauschka Skincare is different?

The Natural Skin Care Experts For Over 50 Years

When the first Dr. Hauschka products appeared on the market in 1967, the concept of a natural cosmetics range that promotes healthy skin was something entirely new. Elisabeth Sigmund and Rudolf Hauschka felt like rebels when they developed the pioneering formulations.

Their aim was to make use of the powers of nature for skin care through the application of their knowledge and their own unique processes, an aim which is still maintained today.

They created a science-based brand that has been around for over 50 years, specialising in high quality natural skincare. Their products have been thoughtfully formulated with medicinal plant extracts from fair trade growers to holistically care for whatever your skin needs.

DR Hauschka Skincare

Dr Hauschka refers to skin conditions that change with the seasons and your stage of life

At Bodywise we can help you to find out the best care to meet the needs of your skin conditions. Come and try it out instore and check out our latest gifts with purchase

Dr Hauschka – truly are natures treasures transformed for you

Be bodywise for a healthy digestion. Our Bodywise naturopath and herbalist can prescribe scientifically researched herbs and nutrients and a wellness plan for you to restore health with the aim of reducing inflammation and therefore cholesterol issues. For more information talk to our herbalists
Cholesterol Levels to High, digestion sluggish, high blood sugar levels, inflammation in the joints, weight loss – here’s some great info…

We recommend making the following lifestyle and dietary changes in order to lower high cholesterol levels:

  1.  Lose weight. Even a modest amount of weight loss can lower cholesterol levels, stress on the joints and general wellbeing.
  2. Reduce the amount of sugar and flour in your diet. Recent evidence indicates that added sugar – in the form of table sugar (sucrose) or high-fructose corn syrup – is probably a greater contributor to heart disease than is consumption of saturated fat. As a general rule, avoid consuming foods with added sugars, particularly soft drinks and highly processed snack foods, which can cause rapid spikes and dips in blood sugar levels. The result can be overeating, obesity and heart disease. Check the labels on all food products. 5gm of sugar equal one teaspoon of the pure white stuff.
  3. Avoid trans-fatty acids. These heart-damaging fats can reduce HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and raise levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. The tip-off that trans-fatty acids are present in foods is the listing of “partially hydrogenated oil” on a food’s ingredient list. Trans-fats are found in many brands of margarine and in most heavily processed foods, as well as in snack foods such as chips, crackers and cookies, and in the oils used to cook fast-food French fries, doughnuts and movie popcorn.
  4. Exercise. Daily aerobic exercise can help increase HDL levels.
  5. Don’t smoke. Smoking itself is a risk factor for heart disease. It can also significantly lower HDL cholesterol.
  6. Relax. Emotional stress may prompt the body to release fat into the bloodstream, raising cholesterol levels. Counter stress by practicing daily breathing exercises and other stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, tai chi.

Nutrition and Supplements

Here are some general recommends the following dietary changes that may help lower cholesterol levels.

  1.  Eat some nuts  (not rancid) every day. Choose almonds, walnuts and cashews, all of which contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. All nuts are best soaked  in water first and then lightly dried off, to enhance digestibility.
  2. Fermented soy protein such as tofu, tempeh, whole soy beans and roasted soy nuts has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Choose organic meat if you can however NZ meat is grass fed with less exposure to toxic products compared to overseas. Other fermented foods like Kefir and Kombucha are great sources of probiotics
  3.  Use fresh garlic regularly. Garlic has been shown to lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Use one or two raw or lightly cooked cloves a day.
  4. Drink green tea daily. Try to use as a loose leaf or organic to avoid contamination. The antioxidants it contains help lower cholesterol and prevent the cholesterol in your blood from oxidizing.
  5. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. Beans and lentils, apples, citrus fruits, oats, barley, peas, carrots and ground flax seed are all good sources of soluble fiber, which has a powerful cholesterol-lowering effect and encourages the growth of “good” bacteria.
  6. Limit refined carbohydrates. These include cookies, cakes, crackers, fluffy breads, chips and sodas, all of which can worsen cholesterol levels by lowering HDL and also increase triglyceride levels. If in doubt read the back of the packet, or make your own treat or make a salad instead.
  7. Take coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This powerful antioxidant benefits heart health by protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation and by re-energizing the mitochondria in the heart cells, which is where energy metabolism occurs. CoQ10 may also help lower blood pressure.  We love MitoQ from New Zealand.
  8. Take fish oil. Fish oil contains an abundance of essential omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s) that have been shown to lower triglyceride (blood fat) levels, minimize inflammation and clotting, and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Research indicates that omega-3s may help reduce the risk and symptoms of a variety of disorders influenced by inflammation, including heart attack and stroke. You can add omega-3s to your diet by eating more cold water fish such as wild salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and cod. If that’s not possible, 2-3 grams daily of a fish oil supplement that contains both essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). When choosing a supplement, look for one derived from molecularly distilled fish oils – and nitrogen flushed to prevent rancidity (pro-inflammatory) these are naturally high in both EPA and DHA and low in contaminants.

A Bodywise naturopath and herbalist can prescribe scientifically researched herbs and nutrients and a wellness plan for you to restore health with the aim of reducing inflammation and therefore cholesterol issues. For more information talk to our herbalists.

Dont let bugs get you down this summer holiday season ?

For all ages and stages a little prep goes along way to prevent chills and ills,  ???? and stay healthy this summer holiday. 
So if you are camping, tramping or at a rock concert festival – Here are a few top tips to keep you well …
and….always have our specially formulated Viral Ease on hand for a summer of camping and partying.
Just a spoon of our world famous Viral Ease every few hours, and asap for chills and ills will tell bugs they are not wanted ???????? 
Take as directed and always diluted!!!

Everyone loves a gift voucher!

Send to the one you care about and help them on their way to wellness.

The voucher can be redeemed in Bodywise or through our mail order system.

No online products! – we are a hands on natural health dispensary and enjoy lasting relationships with our loyal locals.

We give our best with one to one conversations in person, or over the phone, email and the internet by arrangement.

Our trained Naturopath and health consultants offer individualised advice and natural health solutions for mind and body, inside and out.

Gift vouchers for all seasons and occasions at Bodywise
Gift vouchers for all seasons and occasions at Bodywise

Sunshine glides beautifully on to your skin for everyday sun protection.

My Sunshine natural sunscreen is certified SPF 30 sun protection using the finest quality healthy ingredients and is made in NZ!


“We aim to protect you from both the sun and the environment whilst nourishing and repairing your skin.

We follow all of the latest sunscreen research, and we remain convinced that our sunscreen is the safest for you and for the environment”

We are so pleased to be providing this lovely NZ made and approved My Sunshine Sun Protection, SPF30

Some of the high quality ingredients which we use are…

ther ingredients which we use are Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Capric/Caprylic Triglyceride, Sorbitan Olivate, Glycerine, Propanediol, Stearic Acid, Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Polyglyceryl-2 dipolyhydroxystearate, Oleic Acid and Sorbitan Oleate.

My Sunshine ingredients are 97% from natural origin and 30% organic.

At My Sunshine we are proud that we add no parabens, no oxybenzone, no octinoxate, no homosalate, no vitamin A, no avobenzone, no 4-methylbenzylidene camphor,  no phenoxyethanol, no sulphates, no glycols, no artificial fragrance or colour, we do not test on animals and we are ocean/reef safe. My Sunshine is a vegan product.

My Sunshine is made with love in New Zealand

Welcome Bodywise People

and more ….. read on

After 2 decades of research and 3rd party testing, each scoop has the dose scientifically researched therapeutic dose. No more is needed!

Ageing is a natural biological process that begins in early adulthood and continues throughout life. As we age, certain changes happen to the body, both internally and externally, which can impact the way we look and feel.

Because collagen plays an important role in many of these changes, it is widely believed that supporting the body’s natural collagen synthesis may help support healthy aging.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and the primary structural component of our cells and tissues. It is found nearly everywhere—in our bones, blood vessels, skin, hair, nails, eyes, muscles, joints, and even the delicate lining of the digestive tract.

Not only does collagen provide structural support for the body, but it also keeps our skin strong and supple and plays an important role in bone and joint health. All of these functions make collagen a key factor in the aging process.

Unfortunately, collagen production slows down as we age.

On top of that, lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, a high-sugar diet, and sun exposure can also contribute to a decline in collagen production.

There goes all that strength and resilience we rely on daily.

As we age, collagen cross-linking and depletion can lead to common signs of aging in the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. With less collagen, our skin loses elasticity and we may develop wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. Our hair typically loses its luster and becomes thinner. Our connective tissue changes and loses mass, which can lead to stiffness or tenderness in our bones and joints. And all of this is beyond our control.

Or is it?

It’s possible to support natural collagen synthesis as you get older.

And it starts with a healthy diet.

Consuming plenty of protein is paramount to helping your body get the amino acids it needs to produce collagen. On top of that, it is important to eat a diet rich in vitamins A and C, as well as the minerals copper and zinc, which also support collagen synthesis.

Choose foods such as beef, pork, chicken, eggs, fish, bone broth, fresh berries, dark leafy greens, citrus and tropical fruits, garlic, bell peppers, soybeans, wheat germ, avocados, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, apricots, carrots, and broccoli.

Hydrolyzed collagen supplements may also provide some of the building blocks our bodies need to make collagen or other proteins.

Because we don’t always get the essential vitamins and minerals we need from our diet, adding a hydrolyzed collagen supplement may provide additional support for collagen synthesis as we get older. Numerous clinical studies have examined the link between collagen-based dietary supplements and healthy aging with positive results.

A recent review published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology assessed the data from several randomized-controlled trials involving the use of collagen supplements. From the existing literature, the authors were able to conclude that, “Preliminary results are promising for the short- and long-term use of oral collagen supplements for aging skin. Oral collagen supplements also increase skin elasticity, hydration, and dermal collagen density.”

A 2019 study published in Current Developments in Nutrition also found a correlation between collagen supplementation and preserving healthy skin as we age. In this study, more than 120 women between the ages of 39 and 59 agreed to take a collagen peptides supplement along with hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate (or a placebo) twice daily for three months. At the end of the study period, participants who received the supplement reported significantly fewer facial lines and wrinkles, increased skin elasticity, a reduction in skin dryness and redness, and a more “youthful skin appearance.”

And, with regard to joint health, a nearly six-month-long study involving young athletes found that taking supplemental hydrolyzed collagen may support joint health.

Choose NeoCell for inside-out beauty.

For over two decades, we’ve been formulating premium-quality, third-party-tested supplements backed by science to support your body’s own collagen production and help you age beautifully.*

As one of the leading, third-party-tested collagen brands, NeoCell delivers a full line of collagen peptides plus powerful nutraceuticals to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails as you age, as well as to provide joint support.*

Echinacea grown in NZ to support a healthy immune system and stress response
Echinacea grown in NZ to support a healthy immune system and stress response. Available as a liquid or tablet from Bodywise

Need something to fight chills, ills and tummy bugs and more?

Echinacea is a wonderful herb to help us with infections and our stress response. How wonderful is that.

From our Bodywise herbal dispensary we offer the most effective species and parts of the Echinacea plant that are historically used and scientifically researched to balance the immune system and support our stress response. We do not consider Echinacea to be an immune booster. That is to be avoided by some folk. We consider it to be immunomodulator that help the body prepare and cope with infections.

Effects on Stress?

Stress is known to increase inflammation in the body and reduce immunity.  Echinacea has been shown to be beneficial in counteracting the negative effects that stress and anxiety can have on the immune system.   It helps to boost the immune system whilst also reducing the inflammation caused by long term stress

Which species of Echinacea are used

Echinacea comes from the long history of use by Native Americans who preferred the root of the Echinacea Angustifolia. Their definition of quality was the sensation of tingling on the tongue. In Europe in the 1930’s the Echinacea Purpurea tops were used as a fresh juice. Today herbalist use a balance of both.

Echinacea well known for immune system however this wonderful herb is also well used for auto-immune diseases, during times of stress and the lymphatic system.

Our Echinacea is grown and prepared in NZ by Phytomed or comes from Australia from MediHerb. 

To be in our Herbal Dispensary we want certainty of a herbs purity and  efficacy!

The Echinacea available at Bodywise comes  in singular or combined form, with a higher ratio of the Echinacea Angustifolia to Echinacea Purpurea. Contact us if you need advice.

Viral Ease relief for chills, ills and tummy bugs.

We also stock our “Viral Ease” that has the big guns of herbal medicine to treat colds and flu. We know it doesn’t taste great but if you follow our guidelines and take regularly it can keep you well and get you back to normal life.

It kicks bugs!

Please contact us if you would like to order either of these products and we will courier to you with payment by credit card or internet banking.

Contact Us

For those who like to dive deeper into the science around echinacea you can read this great article by Phil Rasmussen from NZ very own Phytomed, who grows this great herb so we can say it is Made in NZ

This article from MediHerb is interesting… believe that the Alkylamides (active phytochemicals) in Echinacea Angustifolia are the most active and potent species and have a stimulating effect on the immune system lasting for 6 hours whereas the Echinacea Purpurea lasts only 1-2 hours. Interestingly, the Angustifolia can slow down the degradation of the Purpurea within in the liver and therefore prolonging the effect of the Purpurea.
