Hay-fever season is upon us already and may be getting you down and feeling really tired

Along with itchy eyes a runny nose, or even a low grade headache and joint pain, hay-fever is not an uplifting experience.

That dreaded  yellow cloud over Rabbit island  is coming our way ?

Green heaven Eyebright Herb Extract, Packaging Type: Polybag
Eyebright, one of many herbs for runny eyes and noses.

Help is at hand. We have our Hay-fever Ease tincture ready to go if you are feeling all stuffed up, sneezing and worse.

This herbal formula has specific herbs to help reduce histamine levels and reduce hay fever symptoms. One of the herbs we use is Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright). The British Herbal Pharmacopoiea 1983 indicates that Euphrasia is anti-catarrhal and can be used internally for nasal catarrh and sinusitis.

Nettle to relieve itching and sneezing
Nettle is a favourite to relieve itching and sneezing when taken as a tea or a tincture.

Surprisingly another key herb is Nettle (Urtica dioica). The herbal extract shows a reduction of several key inflammatory events that cause the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

It is important for us to know about your medications that you already take for this or any other condition so contact us first, share your situation and we will get you sorted.

Visit Bodywise Monday to Friday for a free mini consult with our herbalist. You will be provided with a liquid herbal tincture, made to lift the grogginess and enjoy spring fever not hayfever

On Saturday’s we can dispense our Allergy Ease – with a few questions asked and recommendations made.

We look forward to meeting you.

Sun hygiene

We stock the following brands

Soleo, Oasis, Coola, Pure South,

Read on for the rather horrific notes on the sunscreen issue from…..

Dr Peter Dingle presents the evidence behind a growing concern about chemicals in sunscreens.

“During the past 50 years, we have increased the number of synthetic sunscreen chemicals that we use. We have done this with virtually no consideration of how vulnerable we are to these chemicals – or how little we know about their subtle and cumulative toxic effects. We assume that because they are so easily purchased from the supermarket shelf, they must be safe to use.

Wrong! Many of these chemicals are known to be toxic; very few are carefully studied before they are put on the shelf and made available to the general public. In fact, many of these chemicals have been used for more than five decades without any deliberation about their potential toxic effects. There is no doubt that the products in everyday sunscreens are toxic.

The only real question is: what effects do they have on you and your family? The question of whether sunscreen prevents skin cancer remains unanswered. More than a dozen epidemiological studies show an increased risk of skin cancer to the sunscreen user. A review of studies on skin cancer and sunscreens by “Science News” found that people who used sunscreen were more likely to develop basal cell cancer than people who did not. The possibility remains that these products may be contributing to skin cancers. This is supported by the fact that the toxic chemicals used in sunscreens could very well constitute a potential mechanism for the development of skin cancers.

Many of the chemicals in sunscreens have minimal toxicological effects when first applied to the skin. However, once exposed to sunlight, reactions occur between the sunscreen’s active and inactive ingredients and the epidermis. Toxic reactions include inflammation, dermalogical effects, allergic reactions and photogenotoxic (DNA altering) effects. Many chemicals in sunscreens have been found to be phototoxic (becoming toxic when exposed to light), causing burning, irritations, pigment changes and photoallergic effects such as hypersensitivity to chemicals.

Titanium dixide, or Ti02, has been found to form harmful free radicals that react with skin cells, resulting in intracellular damage, including damage to DNA. On absorption of UV light, photo-generated titanium dioxide particles create singlet oxygen, superoxide anions (O2-) and hydroxyl radicals (OH-) that are potent free radicals. This damage can lead to the development of mutant cells and skin cancers.

Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC) is one of the most frequently used chemical UV filters worldwide and has been reported to cause photosensitisation and photoallergic effects. OMC easily penetrates the upper layer of the skin and, when exposed to UV radiation, generates free radicals in skin cells. Recent studies indicate that OMC may also have significant undesirable effects as a xenoestrogen.

Extensive research has shown that a number of UV filters frequently used in the formulation of commercial sunscreens, such as 4 MBC, octyl methoxycinnamate, oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), octyl-dimethyl-PABA and octinoxate, possess endocrine activity. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with endogenous hormone action and/or production. These have been implicated in the development of a number of diseases in both males and females, including cancer of the mammary glands and reproductive organs, as well as the abnormal development of the male reproductive system.

In one study, the application of three active ingredients commonly found in sunscreens (oxybenzone, 4-MBC and octinoxate) for one week led to a drop in testosterone and estradiol levels in men. More worrying is that these chemicals have been found in breast milk at concentrations known to have oestrogenic effects.4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) competes with estradiol for oestrogen binding sites in the uterus, indicating that it may act as an environmental oestrogen. Laboratory tests on rats exposed to 4-MBC revealed that male rats born to mothers exposed to this compound had lower testis weight, experienced delayed puberty and decreased adult prostate weight.

Human trials found that both OMC and 4-MBC were readily absorbed through the skin and were detectable in urine. These compounds may pose an even higher danger to prepubescent children with low levels of endogenous hormones.

Youngsters are likely to be exposed to greater concentrations of these compounds as a result of their larger surface area to volume ratio, undeveloped toxin elimination systems, greater application rates and the fact that they are likely to swallow small amounts when the sunscreen is being applied to their face and lips.

Daily use of a sunscreen with benzophenones can cause photo-contact dermatitis, rosacea, burning, itching and erythema. Benzophenone, along with menadione, form free radicals which can initiate a chain reaction that will cause damage to anything it comes in contact with, including cell DNA.Oxybenzone (benzophenone 3) is a benzophenone derivate commonly used which is rapidly oxidised to become a potent free radical and linked with cell damage. It has also been linked with allergies and xenoestrogenic properties. A recent study found that mothers with high levels of oxybenzone in their bodies were more likely to give birth to underweight baby girls which is linked with many health complications later in life. In the words of the researcher, “It would be prudent not to apply oxybenzone to large surface areas of skin for extended and repeated periods of time, unless no alternative protection is available.”

A study by the Center for Disease Control in the US found that 97 per cent of the 2,500 people tested aged six years and up had oxybenzone in their urine. An earlier study found oxybenzone in the urine of all adults tested and being excreted many days after the last application, which suggests a tendency to accumulate in fatty tissues in the body.

Avobenzone is another compound that upon exposure to UV light generates free radicals; PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) was one of the first commercially used UVB sunscreens.  PABA has been found to form potent free radicals when exposed to UV light.Padimate A,  reacts with UVA to produce symptoms widely resembling sunburn in some individuals without sunburn cells. Padimate O , when exposed to sunlight, generates free radicals that cause strand breaks on DNA. An experiment with Padimate O found that it produces singlet oxygen (free radicals) upon illumination and increased indirect DNA damage by a factor of 75 over sunlight exposure alone.In 1994, researchers at the Harvard Medical School found that the ingredient psolaren in sunscreens is an extremely efficient carcinogen.

People with psoriasis are at greater risk than others, as their squamous cell carcinoma rate was found to be 83 times higher than that of the general population. PBSA (2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid) and Parsol 1789 are also linked with causing DNA damage.Octyl salicylate and Dibenzoylmethanes are associated with an increase in photoallergy and contact allergy, as well as the other dibenzoylmethane derivatives such as 5-methoxypsolaren (5-MOP) and isopropyl dibenzoyl methane (Eusolex 8020).Preservatives can be just as toxic as the sunscreens.

Formaldehyde, a chemical that causes cancer in some animals and a strong skin irritant, is also used by some manufacturers as a preservative. DMDM Hydantion, diazolindinyl urea (also with a trade name GERMALL) and quaternium are chemicals that release formaldehyde and have been associated with skin sensitisation and rash. Excipients (other ingredients)  make up approximately 80 per cent of sunscreens and act as the carriers or base materials of a product. They include mineral oil, petrolatum, isopropyl esters, lanolin derivatives, aliphatic alcohols, emulsifiers, fragrances, thickeners and preservatives.

In Australia, sunscreen manufacturers only have to list the “active ingredients,” those that are used in blocking the sun, and preservatives. By contrast, cosmetics legislation makes companies list all the ingredients, despite the fact that sunscreens may be applied all over the body, multiple times each day and all over our kids.

Most of the major active ingredients in sunscreens that have been tested for their ability to enter the blood through the skin have shown positive results. A large proportion of the active ingredients in sunscreens can also act as penetration enhancers that speed up the movement of other chemicals through the skin and into the blood.

A number of products are now available that afford just as good sun protection as the synthetic toxic sunscreen ingredients, but with a much reduced risk. Black and green tea extract gel was found to first prevent erythema and acute sunburn because of direct sunlight, as well as to repair DNA damage inside the skin.

Human skin is capable of absorbing various nutrients directly and clinical studies have indicated that tea polyphenols are readily absorbed when topical applications are applied to the skin. Formulations containing products such as vitamin A, vitamin E, lycopene and green tea are at present readily available on the cosmetic market.

Zinc oxide is considered considerably safer than titanium dioxide and covers the full UVA and UVB spectrum from 290 to 400nm, the most complete spectrum. Microfine zinc oxide is less white than titanium dioxide as a sunscreen ingredient and it is more protective against long wave UVA.Buy only products that list all the ingredients. The product packaging must state as such: all ingredients are listed. You don’t want them to just accidently miss one. The list will be at least 10 items long and in most cases much longer. The claim of being “natural” can be very misleading. Even more misleading, the term “natural” can be a part of the name of a product and therefore not necessarily a claim! Perhaps a better approach is to ask for products that are free from synthetic chemicals. Claims of being chemical-free usually imply this but are not really precise enough. Everything is made from chemicals, so “chemical-free” is not possible.

Organic products refer to products that have an extremely high level of certification and quality assurance. This means a lot of work has already been done to validate their safety. None of the toxic ingredients I have listed as toxic above are permitted in organic certification.

To find the safest sunscreens, look for products that resemble food ingredients. This would include a plant-based oil, green tea and vitamin E. In the future, all sunscreens will be made of edible ingredients probably with a little zinc oxide thrown in”.

A final word from Dr Dingle

“Only through consumer pressure will the bigger companies change to safer, less toxic ingredients in sunscreens. Science has never been enough to change the world – it can only help individuals make better choices and they can then change the world.”My aim is not to drive people out into the midday sun without protection.

My goal is to get people to think twice about the products they use. Good luck and good health to you and your family. The complete study (50+ pages) is available at www.drdingle.com  Peter Dingle is Associate Professor in Health and the Environment at Murdoch University, Western Australia”This finishes the information from Dr Dingle. What about concerns with nano-technology?

Soleo Sunscreen – Does Soléo contain nano particles in its formation?

Zinc oxide: — No we use a non nano particle coated Zinc Oxide that is not photoreactive and will not produce hydroxyl ions (free radicals). We do not use traditional zinc coatings like dimethicone, aluminium, or sulphurs. Soleo uses only natural ingredients in all aspects of production and our zinc is coated with derivatives of coconut oil. Our zinc is approximately 2000 nanometers in size. To be classified as a Nano particle sizes have to be sub 100 nanometers. So our Zinc does not absorb into the bloodstream and effect serum zinc levels. Zinc assists in the growth and repair of the skin tissue. Zinc is the only sunscreen ingredient that offers comprehensive protection from the full spectrum of UV light, namely UV A, UV B and UV C. Unlike Titanium, Zinc is a true physical sunscreen, reflecting UV light and not absorbing it.

and more is available at http:/www.soleoorganics.com/faq.html

Also FOE.org (Friends of the Earth) Soleo is listed as one of the few nano-free companies.

Soléo Organic remains vigilant in providing the safest and most effective ingredients in our product range.

And here is another point of view

“Why don’t you use titanium dioxide?” Titanium dioxide is absorbed very easily into the body and into the bloodstream. We have chosen not to use chemical UV-absorbers in our formula due to international medical research articles that have shown that titanium dioxide has the potential to cause health problems. There is a medical research website that you might like to visit calledhttp://www.sunscreenresearch.com– this outlines various research paper abstracts that have been published in medical journals about the concerns of common sunscreen chemical UV-absorbers.

List of websites Bodywise has used for research

http://www.ewg.org/2010sunscreen/ (EWG – Environmental Working Group)

http://www.skincaresupport.org/products/soleoorganicssunscreen.html (Skin Care Support)

http://www.soleoorganics.com/ (Soleo official website)


Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Globally Iron Deficiency Anaemia is a big problem. The most common cause for many people is maintaining optimum iron stores through food. Causes of iron deficiency vary, based on age, gender, and socioeconomic status and general health.

A lack of iron containing foods associated with Vegan and vegetarian diets, or budget restraints prevent adequate dietary intake of iron containing foods and may lead to chronic iron deficiency anaemia.

Chronic intestinal, inflammatory problems and menstrual problems in women, may all inhibit or deplete the iron levels at any age.  If iron levels become low there is a reasonable chance other vitamins and mineral are as well.

Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia — a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body’s tissues to give us lots of energy for daily living.

Worldwide, one out of three non‐pregnant women of reproductive age are aneamic.  Symptoms experienced include fatigue and breathlessness on exertion, recurring colds or infections, mood changes, weepiness and a feeling of not coping with life. This makes for some very tired and dispirited women, affecting relationships, work productivity and general health. As result many women are very misunderstood and need help to find out what is going on for them. During pregnancy iron deficiency remains problematic and continued supplemation with a gentle iron and nutritional cofactors such as folic acid, vitamin b12 and vitamin c are essential.

Rapidly growing children and teenagers, athletes,  physically hard workers and the elderly are also prone to anaemia if the any of the causes of iron deficiency are also present. In the elderly reduced food intake and reduced absorption are common causes. Mood and behavioural problems in children may be avoided or overcome with supplementation or iron and cofactors such as folic acid, vitamin b12.

Anemia of chronic disease (ACD), also known as anemia of inflammation, is the most prevalent anemia in hospitalized patients worldwide. It occurs in patients with acute or chronic inflammatory conditions including infections, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic kidney disease

How to elevate and maintain iron levels

To elevate and maintain iron levels treatment includes underlying inflammation and auto-immune diseases that may inhibit absorption of iron. A review of the dietary intake of iron containing foods is necessary. Certain lifestyle habits that harm our health (think processed foods and alcohol) can be an underlying cause as well. For women iron supplementation due to anaemia associated with women’s heavy menstrual periods is common and necessary for maternal and baby’s health.

Haem and Non Haem Iron

Here is a good description of these two types of iron contained in foods necessary for good health. For those who are vegan or vegetarian, Non-haem iron from plants is harder for the body to absorb than Haem iron from meat.  As a result supplementation is essential, especially for most women.  Adding a Vitamin C tablet to your meals aides the absorption of non-haem iron by two to three times.

Factors the inhibit non haem iron absorption include:

Tannins from tea, coffee, high levels of  oxalates common in silver beet and beetroot and too high levels dietary fibre.  Alcohol abuse results in inflammation the digestive tract which then may inhibit the uptake of iron.  Foods and Drugs that Impair Iron Absorption:

Take your tea and coffee between meals and iron supplement last thing at night.

Intermittent Iron Supplementation

There is a protein connected to inflammation response in the body that can slow down the absorption of iron called hepcidin. If iron supplementation is intermittent, eg every second day rather than everyday, minimizes the effects this protein has. Other versions are cheaper and more widely used however Iron Bisglycinate Chelate (FeBC) has been shown to significantly increase iron stores and is our preferred version. The dose is dependent on age and health status.

This brings us to the opposite end of the Iron story – Heamochromatosis

This inherited condition is a result of very high iron levels and is more common in men. For those who have symptoms that are not treated significant effects on the cardiovascular system can occur. As a result we will not take peoples word for it that they need iron and that is especially men. Be warned, if you are a male do not take iron unless you have had blood tests.

So to summarise – eat well, haem and non-heam iron foods, take vitamin c with meals and avoid certain foods mentioned above.

As always, our team at Bodywise will ask questions about your health in some detail during any interaction over the counter.  When it comes to iron, we may say – get a blood test first.

If in doubt – come talk to us.

Are you tired of feeling fatigued, wired and tired – help is at hand so read on

Firstly, you are not alone. There are many healthy skills to learn, nutritional tips and herbal medicines to help you get back on top of your game.

When we experience acute or prolonged stress, we receive a rush of chemicals called stress hormones, to the brain and body. This is called the Stress Response and and how it works is incredible.

Since the beginning of time humans have experienced a burst of energy when being chased down by a wild animal or to survive an acute crisis. You may have heard of the stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline. These are two of a group of hormones that drive us to stay alive.

Wired and Tired

Fast forward to 2020, and the stressors come in the form of a global pandemic, a full email inbox, relationship tensions, money worries or even what’s for dinner ?  Its no wonder we feel fatigued, wired and tired. Managing our response to stress during prolonged periods of time is vital to keep us happy and healthy. 

The catch phrase “Adrenal Fatigue” is misleading suggesting that the adrenal glands alone are fatigued. There is a lot more to fatigue than one gland or body part. Inflammation, sleep and blood sugar problems may be involved. And sadly prolonged emotional stress may be the original cause of fatigue.

The interaction between our nervous and hormonal system (Neurohormone systems), regulates functions within our body and mind. One system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), is crucial for the bodies automatic stress management. There are many other reasons you may have prolonged fatigue yet feeling wired and tired and here is a good summary and reason why a trip to the doctor for tests is important

A variety of tools learned in childhood help us cope during stressful times and can be both useful and sometimes destructive. Going to counselling and getting to know your unhelpful habits, perceived stressful thoughts and PTSD patterns are important tools to help you understand your response to stress.  Getting older is another contributing factor to how we cope with stress.

So that was some background information to help you understand what the science has to say. Knowledge is power so lets move on ...

Building resilience to stress and physical reserves enhances health and wellbeing and there are lots of tools to start with.

No one treatment plan helps all.

For many years our naturopaths at Bodywise have provided advice and natural therapy to so many people. Using a programme of specific nutrients and herbal medicines people then have the energy to maintain needed lifestyle changes and go on to feel empowered and happy.

If you need a hand in coping with your feelings of stress, overwhelm and fatigue our  herbal Stress-Ease Tonic may be suitable for you right now.

Contact us  or come in and chat to our Bodywise team to work out the best solution for you.

Hay-fever season is upon us already and may be getting you down and feeling really tired

Along with itchy eyes a runny nose, or even a low grade headache and joint pain, hay-fever is not an uplifting experience.

That dreaded  yellow cloud over Rabbit island  is coming our way ?

Green heaven Eyebright Herb Extract, Packaging Type: Polybag
Eyebright, one of many herbs for runny eyes and noses.

Help is at hand. We have our Hay-fever Ease tincture ready to go if you are feeling all stuffed up, sneezing and worse.

This herbal formula has specific herbs to help reduce histamine levels and reduce hay fever symptoms. One of the herbs we use is Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright). The British Herbal Pharmacopoiea 1983 indicates that Euphrasia is anti-catarrhal and can be used internally for nasal catarrh and sinusitis.

green leaves plant

Surprisingly another key herb is Nettle (Urtica dioica). The herbal extract shows a reduction of several key inflammatory events that cause the symptoms of seasonal allergies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19140159/

Come in and get your tailored tincture to lift the grogginess and enjoy spring fever not hayfever

Visit Bodywise and talk to us if you are experiencing any of the following and want free advice from natural health practitioners.

Email us if you have a question

Sometimes we stumble across a herb that really intrigues us. Step up chamomile…

Maybe you might need something to help you unwind and relax your digestive tract. Or you perhaps you also need anti-allergy properties to calm inflamed skin? Like so many herbs multi actions are the norm. Isn’t that beautiful.

Known for its relaxing properties Chamomilla is used to support a good night’s sleep for babies and children and to calm the nervous system, digestive  discomfort, inflammation and allergic sensitivity.

Internally – Relaxing, soothing, great for digestive upsets, bloating, Its mild effect makes it a good herb for infants & children
Externally – its found to be great for skin conditions, calming and revitalising which why you will find it used in the Dr Hauschka Skin Care 
Chamomile is one of the key herbs in our ’Wind Down’ tea blend. We make this fresh in store by mixing together a combination of herbs for the desired effect.
Do not be put off by some of the unpleasant tasting commercial teas out there. Our version is truly lovely and full goodness and our concentrated tincture of Chamomile blends beautifully with other herbs unique to each person situation
See you soon

Do you need relief for painful nipples during breast feeding – often worse during winter

Cold weather can lead to very painful nipples during breast feeding  Other possible causes are cracks, mastitis and candida infections. For some mothers an underlying condition called Raynauds and other auto-immune conditions may leave a mother more vulnerable to this painful condition.

Practical habits include:

Keeping warm and not  exposing nipples to cold air and covering nipples as soon as breast feeding is finished.

Do not over clean as it removes natural oils and bacteria that help keep the skin healthy.

Also use natural nipple care creams that contain the beautiful herbs calendula and hypericum to reduce inflammation and reduce cracking that may result from the sucking of a hungry baby.

Useful herbs to promote blood flow and general wellness include:

All of these herbs are safe during breastfeeding and pregnancy

Talk to Bridget and see if we can help


PMT and hormonal imbalance

PMT and hormonal imbalance such as endometriosis, heavy menstruation, polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance, heavy periods and menopause, and associated mood changes and heart problems

We treat women’s hormonal problems from puberty to beyond menopause. Starting at puberty women can have normal menstrual cycles when they are active, a suitable weight, eat healthy foods, avoid alcohol excess and live a relatively stress free life. So that excludes most of the female population! A women’s lifestyle can greatly influence her mood and healthy so for some guidance come and talk to us at Bodywise.
BV, Thrush- relief for women that restores health!

Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) also called: Gardnerella-associated vaginitis or Nonspecific vaginitis. BV is a very common lower genital tract infection in reproductive-age women and is an ecological imbalance of vaginal flora caused by a reduction of the normal lactobacillary bacteria, and the overgrowth of mixed anaerobic flora including Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis and others.

Most women with BV have no symptoms however when symptoms do occur they include:
excessive, watery gray or white vaginal discharge that sticks to the vaginal walls with a fishy or musty, unpleasant vaginal odor, itching and irritation.

A healthy vagina in females is colonised by hydrogen peroxide and acid-producing lactobacilli, crucial to maintain the healthy PH of the vaginal ecosystem. The hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli are essential in preventing overgrowth of harmful anaerobes in normal vaginal flora. The depletion of these healthy bacteria provide the right environment for the rapid growth of the unhealthy bacteria that lead to a pH elevation and the signs and symptoms of BV. BV may be associated with sexual activity but may not necessarily sexual transmitted.

Antibiotic treatment has been the standard treatment but does not address the ecological balance of the the vaginal flora. BV is concerning and may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and other chronic infections, infertility, pregnancy problems and low birth weight babies. Until recently, treatment was aimed at removing the bacteria or fungal infections.

There are products on the market that use helpful ingredients like lactic acid and thyme oil however include other ingredients that are not the healthiest for women’s health. Again its very important to know all the ingredients in the products we use.

The good news for women is that a growing body of research into the application and consumption of specific nutrients, herbs and probiotics, to restore healthy vaginal flora.

Nutritional Supplements

- Vitamin C (1,000 mg three times daily with meals)
- Zinc (30 mg daily)
- Bromelain (400mg)
- Digestive enzymes; Proteolytic enzymes have been shown to increase effectiveness of the medicatiion
- Probiotics - oral and vaginal

Bacterial Vaginosis is no longer thought to be “a nuisance”, and encouraging research in the world of probiotics may quite literally change the landscape for women everywhere.

We are very pleased to be able to offer a specific and individualised treatment for women, topically and internally, using specific probiotics made for women.

Drop by for more information from our Herbalist and Naturopath Bridget

Chronic recurring bladder infections are less problematic when treated with herbal and nutritional medicine

The urinary tract has developed to be resistant to bacterial imbalances due to the low pH of urine, the presence of urea and flow of urine from the kidneys hindering the build-up of potentially harmful bacteria. However recurring bladder problems are experienced by great numbers of women.

Determining the underlying cause is very important. Structural abnormalities will usually create issues early in life. Dietary factors such as excessive sugar and consumption of processed foods, food allergies and nutritional deficiencies should all be considered. Taking oral contraceptives and antibiotics may make some women more vulnerable. STD’s will also create significant problems. In addition, incomplete emptying of the bladder (age-related), immobility, inadequate fluid intake and bowel incontinence may also contribute to the development of imbalances. The most significant characteristic of recurrent bladder infections is the adherence of harmful bacteria to the wall or lining of the urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes these bacteria can be removed through the process of urination but large volumes of bacteria may be hard to remove and this leads to recurrent symptoms.

General therapeutic treatment using herbal and nutritional medicine will target the build-up of harmful bacteria and support the body’s removal of them. If you have questions please come and talk to one of our herbalists.

Urinary Health

Urinary disorders for men and women are reduced with Herbal Medicine

Broad spectrum antiseptic herbs for Urinary Tract infections

Herbs such as cranberry, uva ursi and couch grass and many others effectively destroy infective organisms which cause cystitis, dysuria, urethritis, pyelitis, prostatitis (for men). A variety of herbs specifically prescribed will provide:

- Anti-inflammatory support to reduce pain
- Broad spectrum anti-microbial support
- Diuretic action to aid flushing out of pathogenic bacteria whilst treating water retention
- Tone & strength with in the urinary tract aiding those with incontin

Urinary herbs work best when the urine has an alkaline pH therefore eating lots of leafy vegetables and taking a urinary alkalizer such as bicarbonate of soda will help

If you have recently had antibiotics this can be a very helpful follow on treatment

Bodywise Herbalists will prescribe the most effective combination for you, come and talk to us anytime.

With short days upon us in winter we may need a lift.

Help may come from the essential bone-building nutrient, vitamin D3 that plays a role in regulating your immune system, balancing mood and circadian rhythms.

Many people don’t get enough vitamin D,  because they routinely wear sunblock, spend most of the day indoors, have darker skin, or live up in the northern or southern regions on mother earth.

Those who cannot eat a quality diet (for any reason), or consume a mostly processed food are particularly vulnerable. The elderly living indoors all day are also in need of a daily dose.

Our Lipsomal Vitamin D3 formulas help you meet your daily needs in a form that is readily absorbed by the body. Talk to us about the dose best for you and if you should get a blood test.

If your mood and feelings of overwhelm are getting you down a little herbal mood up-lifter can make each day feel brighter.

Talk to us anytime.

On average, men are living longer but generally do not outlive their women.  Most of our mens health issues, especially in the middle years are preventable, so long as the men act on early warning signs before becoming either acute or chronic health problems. Men need to believe that this is a valuable use of their time and money and an investment in the future quality of life.

At Bodywise we are supportive of men and boys who wish to engage in a healthier lifestyles and treatment programmes. We encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in all men and boys. Men who enjoy looking after themselves are great role models for their boys.

While many men want a quick fix we encourage them to talk just a little about what is going on even when we get the “what is there to talk about? … “. We can then work out an appropriate treatment programme, using what Bodywise has to offer and other health professionals as needed.

Not surprisingly,  had a huge impact upon men’s (and women’s) work load, job security, status, income, spending, lifestyle, debt, sense of security and health.  Meanwhile the role and expectations of father’s have expanded and all these challenges add up. A sense of too little spare time may hamper the exercise and activities needed to discharge all the stress and keep fit.

Depression in males, young to old is becoming more apparent.  Men may not be aware that how they are feeling is both real and a sign their whole being is under pressure. The next step is how to ask for support and where to find it and this may feel both too difficult and an imagined sign of weakness.

Adolescent and young men, who consume alcohol and drugs recklessly, are generally at risk of showing signs of depression, fatigue and health issues. For them to be able to help themselves they somehow need to feel that they can call for help. There some wonderful supplements for lifting feelings of indifference or outright depression and anxiety like Valerian, St John’s Wort and L-theanine to name but a few.

By middle aged men may have woken up to find that their get up and go is not what it used to be and the pressures of family and work are getting on top of them. This stress may be compounded by marginal nutritional difficulties, weight gain and lack of fitness.  As symptoms associated with genetics and lifestyle emerges now is the time to take stock and look at the bigger picture and a holistic approach to the wellbeing. This is where the natural health perspective addresses the whole physiology and wellbeing.

We look forward to seeing you at Bodywise with any concerns you have or you can send a message to us if you have a question

Men who eat walnuts have higher quality sperm and health!

Over a 12 week period researchers at the University of California, found that eating 75gms whole-shelled (not rancid) walnuts daily improved the vitality, motility (swimming speed) and morphology (shape) of sperm.

And its not just about making babies. Consider this. Both olive oil and walnuts have beneficial effects on arteries after a high fat meal (they reduce inflammation and oxidation), Walnuts maintain flexibility of the arteries thanks to alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in walnuts. (ALA is an omega-3 fatty acid similar to those omega-3 fatty acids found in fish). The study was published in the October 17, 2006 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

So here it is boys – Increase your anti-oxidant intake with heaps of colourful veges and if you suffer health problems consider a supplement. Definitely reduce your alcohol intake especially if you are considering making babies….however if baby making is not what you have in mind, this is great news for mens health and other fun pleasures!

Winter Gifts with Purchase from Dr Hauschka Skin Care & Makeup

This month your favourite Dr Hauschka moisturisers come with a free cream cleanser. Also included are beautiful eye shadows with a free trial of the eye makeup remover

Truly natural face creams from Dr Hauschka gently nourish and protect your skin from seasonal changes to cool wintery weather

Fory your eyes only, Dr Hauschka poster
Dr Hauschka eye shadows

Place your order now

You may know we love Dr Hauschka Skin Care and Makeup and love offering special value packs and gifts with purchase

So here we are out of lock down and heading into winter. This means our faces can become more sensitive to cold air and need extra nourishment. We also feel a little colour goes along way to feeling uplifted and looking your best.

Here are our May Specials and Gifts with Purchase

We can show you how you can have find relief from troublesome bacterial vaginosis, (BV).

Our naturopaths offer a few different solutions using herbal tonics, probiotics and specific supplements. All our advice and products are tailored to each individual woman.

Visit Bodywise for a confidential over the counter chat between 9.30 and 5 pm or send us a message

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Herbal medicines and a few specific nutritional supplements help us deal with seasonal chills and ills that sweep through a community and put people to bed. 

When infections take hold, herbal medicine can ease symptoms and hopefully reduce complications and duration. Every person is different and if complications arise you will need medical help.

In 2009 our  famous Viral Ease herbal tonic was taken into homes around NZ. Since then we have helped many hundreds of people cope with their winter chills and ills. We want to stress these are NOT preventatives.

Here are our top suggestions for keeping well during the change of seasons

viral ease image

Bodywise’s famous “Viral Ease” tonic – uses herbs that are well researched and have anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions. Black Elderberry is a key herb in our Viral Ease along with many other powerful immune enhancing herbs such as Andrographis, Eupatorium, Baical Scutellaria, Lomatium and more. These herbs can moderate symptoms associated with the change of seasons and winter.

Specific herbs are suitable and safe for children, pregnant or breast feeding mum’s, and those on medications with direction from a herbalist.

Regularly make up the following tea;


Add boiling water to steep the following herbs fresh or dried : elderflower, oregano, sage, yarrow, thyme and lemon balm, drink hot or cold.

Make a fresh pot each day. Drink throughout the day either hot or cold, diluted to taste or big drink as a concentrate.

Note: don’t use sage if you are breast-feeding – talk to us and we find suitable herbs for pregnant and breast feeding Mum’s.


Fevers : are anti-inflammatory medications good for babies & children?  

A fever is the bodies amazing response to an infection commonly from a virus or bacteria. The heat stimulates metabolic processes that increase the protective nature of our immune system. A strong temperature, up to 38-39 degrees means immune system is healthy and strong and while sometimes uncomfortable it is usually mean the person will bounce back very quickly.

Having said that, a Cytokine Storm, can become a problem on top of a virus and needs medical help quickly.

While it is tempting to use pain killers and anti- inflammatory medications, research has shown that not only can these drugs reduce the efficiency of the immune system but it can have other major side effects, especially in children.  You can always do an old fashioned Tepid Sponge

How to give a baby or child a tepid sponge.

A tepid sponge can quietly reduce heat. Place baby in a barely warm bath. They may cry a bit. When you remove them the water will cool on their body and assist in reducing heat.  Place cool flannels on their heads and body, again letting the air cool the water on them.


Adverse drug reactions to nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs –

At Bodywise  we are really concerned because these medications can be very harmful to the liver of  babies & children and the research is there to prove it. They can be used sparingly and as a last resort. 

Check with your Doctor and read the fine print on the product side effects

If your child is suffering any fever & pain   – Bodywise can offer gentle methods to ease and manage these inflammatory fevers.

The following is the conclusion from research performed at: 1Royal Children’s Hospital, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute & the Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Australia and 2Australian Paediatric Pharmacology Research Unit (APPRU), Murdoch Children’s Research Institute & the Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Australia

Adverse drug reactions to nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors and paracetamol in paediatric hospital Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 June; 59(6): 718–723

“ NSAID exposures are a significant cause of morbidity in children. Both nonselective NSAIDs and the newer COX-2 inhibitors were associated with significant drug reactions. The reactions reported to COX-2 selective inhibitors have not been well documented in paediatrics. A substantial proportion of ADRs reported were preventable, illustrating the difficulty in ensuring appropriate use of drugs readily available over the counter and the care that needs to be taken with paediatric drug selection. The overall severity of these ADRs highlights the need for ongoing, prospective ADR surveillance in paediatrics, including both established and newer agents ”         (ADR = adverse reactions. NSAIDs = anti-inflammatory meds)

While very controversial, some folk also swear by homeopathic Belladonna and other homeopathic remedies for the relief of high fevers.  These are not prescriptions, get advice from a homeopath.

Is your climate changing?

The years leading up to and beyond menopause can be really difficult for many women and relief from those symptoms is life changing.

While you continue to work, look after elderly parents and teenagers, maintain careers and personal relationships, you  may find your grip on reality is slipping.  There are scientifically researched herbs and specific supplements that can help you regain balance, get more sleep and during this huge change in your life.

Our Naturopaths have been helping women find relief from the tiredness associated with hot flushes, mood changes,  insomnia and weight gain associated with menopause for decades!

If you have been struggling with this huge change in your life natural medicine might just be the answer.

We prescribed specific herbal medicines to meet your needs from our herbal dispensary.  Give your self some time to come in and we will get you back to feeling more balanced and postive about this massive change of life.  Our scientifically researched herbal medicines and nutritional supplements are chosen to meet your individual needs.

View menopause as a time for positive change. 

For a cool transition through menopause read this article 

If we can be of help please visit us and talk our herbalist and naturopath or book a consultation.


Decision making can be difficult, lead to procrastination, decision fatigue and sometimes post-decision remorse. How can we become a confident decision maker to benefit our life and well-being?

For some people making changes to their eating habits (even though they know it makes sense), comes right up against their perception of what makes us happy, how they have always eaten and drunk, how it affects our social life and the person we believe we are.

For example: “No, I cannot remove my nightly wines because that’s how I relax at the end of the day”, even though the habit is creating insomnia and an irritated digestion. Or, “if we don’t eat bread, I”m to busy to work out what am I going to give the kids to eat”.  Sometimes a little understanding around the topic is enough. For others it is a much harder choice and that creates stress and decision fatigue and remorse.

Do you have a hard time making choices? If you are still reading I suspect you are at least interested in learning more. Decision making dominates our every moment so the following may be of help.

Ruth Chang says on the Ted Radio Hour that “: I cannot make a decision to save my life,  I’m a terrible decision maker”. Then she goes on to say ” So what I should say is I used to be a terrible decision maker”.  Ruth Chang is a professor of philosophy at Rutgers University. She studies hard choices and here are her steps to confronting a difficult decision.

The first thing you have to do when you’re confronting a hard choice is to figure out what matters in the choice between the alternatives.

  1. Write them down the choices you have.
  2. Review them, their pros and cons – gather information on the subject to decide what matters the most and why.
  3. Sometimes you still find you’re in a hard choice. Maybe there is no best answer or choice.
  4. The next step is important. Commit to one of the options by creating a specific reason for your to pursue that option instead of the other.
  5. Step 5 is a consequence. When you commit to something, you create your own identity. You make yourself into who you are.

Ruth reasons that committing to a decision not only helps you make the right choice but helps define who you are.

This is really useful in our health and lifestyle choices. Once you have made a decision create the habit to reduce decision fatigue.

Sometimes you may find decision making really hard because you are depressed and anxious . Specific herbs and supplements boost your mood and energy and help get you on a path to learn how to make great decisions.

I think most of us will agree that while we all have differing perspectives and knowledge on life, the most important tool is knowing your own self. This includes our health and living to our full potential, for ourselves and those around us.

Happy Decision Making

Here are a few ways to support your body while you train to be your best and perhaps live energised and a little longer with a good memory and healthy brain.

A plant based diet full fresh colourful vegetables will provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the form of colourful vegetables provide us with so many alkalising and energetic foods.

For those of you who enjoy traditional meats and fish, you will be getting a great source of nutrients, and fats with the skin included.

There is so much conflicting information about carbohydrates, yet we need them to provide fibre to create great bowel movements and provide the right environment for the growth healthy bacteria in our digestion.

So, if you want to run like the wind or get to the top of the hill, increase your vegetables, enjoy small pieces of fruit, seeds and nuts to give you the energetic lift you need.

Moderate amounts of protein and a range of fats are essential for well-being, pregnant mum’s, growing children and the energetic and strong person your wish to become.  Protein is important for muscle strength, recovery and maintaining muscle mass as we age, however you do not need excessive amounts. Excess protein will convert to carbohydrate. A palm of traditional protein daily is about enough for most people.

Science currently suggests that the average person needs to consume somewhere between 0.5 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. On average, this suggests that for a person who weighs 70kg, that would be about 55 grams of protein per day

A vegetarian or vegan lifestyle can be boosted with an organic plant based protein powder. Added to smoothies or on its own, you can supplement your protein requirements with ease using RAW sprouted vegan powders we love.

Some folk seem to thrive without meat or fish. However, if you are doing all that you can to eat healthily and find you are lacking energy you may be needing to add some lean meat and fish to your diet. Do not forget that women in particular may need to supplement Iron and Vitamin B12, the primary nutrients missing in a non-meat diet. Also, if you are over 50 years, and have difficulty digesting food you may need a digestive enzyme complex to ensure you breakdown you food properly

Everyone is different so keep in touch and we can help you fill supplement your healthy diet as required.

Nutritional Supplements

Vitamin C in high dosage is protective against tissue damage and will help with recovery from exertion. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps tissue healing and collagen production

Magnesium is an important mineral and electrolyte which when physically pushing our body. Magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxant. This means it helps with tight and tensed muscles and relieves cramps. So if you get up a sweat then electrolyte replacement is necessary to prevent muscle problems.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has been used in many parts of the world to promote energy for hundreds of years. Now scientific research to backing up these claims.

Rhodiola is a favorite among athletes wishing to improve physical performance. This herb is adaptogenic which means it helps the body to adapt to stressors such as physical activity. This herb can give you the boost you need to train.

Korean ginseng is another adaptogenic herb that helps improve physical and mental performance. This herb also supports your adrenal glands and immune system.

Gotu Kola is an herb that helps promote healing and recovery. This herb is also an anti inflammatory and is used to help recovery from injuries.

Come to Bodywise and we will sort you out with what you need.

Do you suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections or constant symptoms of UTI and nothing appears to resolve them?

You may have Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome, IC/BPS

The syndrome is experienced differently in men and women. The triggers may be similar. IC/BPS is a chronic bladder health issue. Symptoms include pelvic or scrotal pain and pressure in the bladder, without an infection and lasting longer than 6 weeks.  It appears that hyper-excitability of nerves of the urinary tract and bowel may lead to IBS and BPS.

We use well researched herbs and nutrients to relieve underlying inflammation and infections. Stress may also play a role so there are useful herbs for that too.  At Bodywise we can mix herbs specifically suited to the symptoms

Herbal, Nutritional and Probiotic Treatments for bladder pain syndrome

To treat Inflammatory Bladder Syndrome, a continuous level of herbs in the blood stream are essential. Anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and demulcent actions of the herbal medicines we use are taken 3 times per day for 2-4 weeks.  After that a maintenance dose may be required and then as required. We will also add herbs that help with stress and mood.

We recommend a probiotic to restore healthy bowel flora  after anti-biotic treatment.

Did you know these foods and drinks may trigger UTI/ Painful Bladder syndrome?

Enjoy a tasty diet of vegetables, fruits and lean meats and fish to encourage the healthy bowel flora and prevent urinary infections. For many women avoiding the triggers listed below can really help:

Contact Bodywise

We do hope you find relief by removing these foods and if you are still having symptoms get help from our Naturopath Bridget at Bodywise.

Breathe easier with a Herbal Chest Syrup

For some the simple act of taking a breathe is extremely difficult and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) may be the result of long term respiratory problems.  The good news is that herbal chest syrups have been used around the world to help relieve symptoms of asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and pneumonia for hundreds of years. These diseases are associated with COPD.
Our vulnerable lungs are exposed daily to an onslaught of toxins including cigarette/vaping smoke, indoor and outdoor pollution and infections seriously affecting the quality of life especially for the young and elderly.
While life saving modern medicine is essential for some, herbal medicine  can make an enormous difference for those with breathing difficulties in the long term and often alongside conventional medicine.
Herbal medicine can reduce the release of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress with the improvement of lung function and reduction of pulmonary inflammation. These treatments can prevent the development of the inflammatory processes triggered by allergen, cigarette smoke, virus, or bacteria.
Herbal Respiratory Support
Symptoms can be relieved with a herbal chest syrup only when aggravating factors are removed. There is no getting around that fact that smoking, poor diet, damp moldy houses, toxic cleaning materials and environmental pollutants are all contributing factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary (respiratory) diseases. Hayfever season will also makes symptoms worse. Reducing inflammation is key to on going relief and slowing the pace of these diseases.
Older folk with a history of respiratory infections and asthma are more likely to end up with Bronchiectasis. The large breathing tubes of our lungs are called bronchi. They become damaged, enlarged and scarred as a result of inflammation and chronic infections. The inflamed linings of the bronchi create excess mucus that is very difficult to clear.
From the Bodywise Herbal Dispensary we have many liquid herbs to choose from.
Herbs such as Marshmallow root, Mullein, White Horehound, Elecampane and Drosera, and many more may reduce infection and inflammation that create a cough and promote coughing up of mucous.  Liquorice, helps reduce mucous congestion and soothes bronchial airways. Adhatoda relieves congestion by thinning sputum for effective expectoration. 
However if an acute infection occurs we will treat that first and then use other herbs to manage any other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To enhance the taste a herbal flavouring mix is added to make a soothing syrup.
The nutrients Quercetin and Bromelain, may reduce allergic reactions by inhibiting the release of histamine, reducing odema and inflammation associated with acute and chronic breathing problems. Carotenoids and vitamins D and E help suppress lung injury after pollution exposure.

Supplements may also help the body reduce inflammation.

Carotenoids and vitamins D and E help suppress lung injury after pollution exposure.
Zinc and vitamin C may reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
High Purity, Low Reflux, Fish Oil Liquid OR Capsules help resolve the inflammatory aspects of immune activation over time.
NAC is also known for its ability to break down mucus.
As always, checking with a GP is important. Herbal medicine and probiotics can be used in combination with conventional medicine. We will need to know what medicines you are already prescribed so that there is no risk of a incompatability.
Our oldies, and those who are far younger, can be helped by the power of herbal and nutritional medicine. Do come and ask us how we can help you or your loved one breath more easily and slow down the progression of bronchiectasis and chronic lung problems at any age and improve your quality of life.

Have a Question?

Contact Bodywise
