Reduce allergies and asthma

When conventional remedies aren’t enough to relieve allergies, hayfever and asthma, visit our naturopath at Bodywise Natural Health.

Factors that may trigger a reaction to an allergen include low general health, underlying autoimmune conditions, high stress levels, changing weather and seasons and are aggravated being out and about in windy weather.

Herbs used traditionally and now scientifically researched, can ease lung congestion and loosen mucus, soothe irritated respiratory and nasal tracts and tissue around the eyes for all ages and stages in life, including pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers.

Reduce Allergies & Asthma with Natural Remedies. 

These effective herbs can reduce the immune reaction to allergens by reducing histamine and inflammation and the amount of secretions in the airways. This also reduces spasm in the airways allowing for mucous to be removed through sneezing and coughing.

 What natural treatments are available?

You will return to health faster if your naturopath understands any underlying health problems, environmental causes, diet and lifestyle habits.

To Reduce Allergies & Asthma with Natural Remedies, the main aim of treatment is to strengthen the mucous membranes inside your nose, mouth and airways that come in contact with allergens such as pollens, cat fur, dry grasses.

Allergic reactions also arise in the digestive tract mostly due to foods such as gluten in grains, and other food groups such as dairy, soy and some fruits, vegetables and fish. We also need to consider toxic reactions to chemicals in and on our foods, work places, and even our homes.  Regular consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs often make the whole body worse and may be the underlying cause of multiple allergic reactions.

Food allergies can be reduced by improving digestion of food. Leaky gut is a condition where inflammation of the digestive tract occurs through contact with partially digested food, allowing proteins to cross from the gut into the circulation that can set up an immune response resulting in a food allergy. A leaking gut often manifests as pain and bloating with or without diarrhoea or constipation and signs may arise after eating.

There has be a huge surge in knowledge about how the digestive tract works. Herbal and nutritional medicine now plays major part in strengthening digestion and soothing the mucus membranes exposed to the external environment and gut and small intestine.  A tailor-made herbal mixture can relieve mild to severe allergic reactions safely and effectively.

Another interesting thought is that migraines, arthritis and muscle pain, menstrual pain and auto-immune disorders, mood disorders and fatigue may be aggravated by the external environment and when pollens are around. Most conditions listed above can be relieved with potent herbs and supplements over a period of months.

The best time to start treatment is before the pollen gets going. At home, shut all doors and windows when its windy, find out the local plants that may giving you hay fever or asthma. At the end of day put your clothes into the laundry, not bedroom. Wash your face and for adult use a nasal irrigation containing a weak saline solution and diluted chamomile tea to wash away nasal mucous.  Vacuum all signs of pollen and perhaps even dry clothes inside.

Useful herbs we use for allergies and asthma.

Chamomile is bitter (can taste nice) herb used as an anti-inflammatory to damaged tissue, reducing Ig-E production and to strengthen digestion. Chamomile can be consumed as a tea or tincture for internal use, applied to the skin for rashes or hives and used as an eyewash for hay fever affecting the eyes.

If you are feeling stressed, tired and depressed other herbs like Kava and Valerian can relax the nervous system while others support the energy and immune system like liquorice.

Sensitive mucus membranes are strengthened so they are less reactive to inhaled allergens can be soothed with nettles, agrimony, baical skullcap, marshmallow and more. When the immune system is over reactive (allergic reactions) other herbs can act as a quietening modulator.

No one prescription of herbs and supplements will fit all people. Asthma and allergies in children and the elderly can be relieved using herbs and supplements tasty herbal liquid combinations.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can and should be treated with herbal medicines that can be safely taken during pregnancy and while breast feeding. There is no need for these mothers to be neglected.

Come into see Bridget our Naturopath if you want relief from something tailored made just for you!

Contact Bodywise

Lift your mood from SAD to Glad
Feelings of irritability, low mood and depression make life difficult for all ages and stages of life. You may benefit from herbal medicine and nutritional supplements to lift your mood and general well-being. 
People who need a mood lift often experience chronic health problems, are tired and stressed. Growing children and teenagers, pregnant and breastfeeding women also experience low mood. If you often miss a daily dose of sunshine you will likely experience low mood, known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD. If this sounds like you, you could do with a Vitamin D3 and a herbal mood lifter.
From our herbal dispensary at Bodywise we tailor make bottles of herbs that can lift your mood and treat mild to moderate depression . Come in to Bodywise, tell us what is going on for you and we will find the best way forward to lift your spirits.
Here are a couple of aides for you to get your  winter glow on
Vitamin D3
Depending which country you live in, the daily dose of Vitamin D3 is still being debated. The latest advice recommends between 1000-5000 iu’s daily for adults. For children and babies the does varies. For pregnant and breast feeding mothers it is very important to supplement with Vitamin D3 for her and baby’s teeth, bone, and general health.  The forn your Vitamin D3 comes in can also make a difference to how much you absorb so do discuss this with us. For more info read this article:
St John’s Wort
You may have heard of chemicals in our brain called dopamine, serotonin and GABA. These happy chemicals get us up and glowing. When we are chronically tired, sad and depressed our happy chemicals (and others) become depleted
The ancient herb St John’s Wort can be as useful in lifting depression as conventional anti-depressants. This herb combines well with other herbs and supplements to lift depression and reduce anxiety and irritabilityYou will be back to your happy self sooner than you might expect.
We look forward to meeting you at Bodywise. Our naturopath will find the best nutrients and herbs to have you glowing and healthy again.
Contact Bodywise
Remove fungal and bacterial skin infections
Troubled by persistent skin infections, such as acne, boils, candida, rosacea, impetigo, ulcers and cellulitis
Do you need to remove fungal and bacterial infections that are not improving with usual medical treatments?  
Common fungal or bacterial skin infections can range from mild to severe and even life threatening. Many bacterial infections are caused Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus, the bacteria associated with strep throat. Some infections are highly contagious, such as impetigo. Others are caused by fungal or viral infections.
Skin infections occur in a variety of locations on the body, in various forms and effect all ages. Vulnerable groups include those who are:
These groups are far more vulnerable to infections and recovering from them.  Many skin infections need to be treated by a GP or hospital in severe cases. Other options are essential when resistance to antibiotics has occurred and infections remain.
For instance research confirms there are strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties within herbs. You can use specific herbs for topical and internal treatment for skin infections. Nutritional supplements, probiotics and topical products are useful as well.
Natural medicine to heal skin infections
Before or after antibiotic treatment, herbal medicine can continue to provide anti-microbial support. Herbal medicine can help your body fight infection, reduce inflammation and encourage skin to heal after an infection.
To aid healing in some people who are nutritionally deplete due to poor diet, a specific supplement and probiotic are very useful. Together they help restore healthy bacteria to the digestive tract and strengthen our ability to heal.
A variety of herbs work well in combination and when prescribed for each person’s type of infection and general health. Here are a few of the amazing herbs that restore healthy skin.
Echinacea, Golden Seal, Calendula, Thyme, Pau D’Arco:  
This group have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties used to clear stubborn skin infections, boils, inflammation, and eczema.
Thuja and St John’s Wort:
These great anti-viral herbs can be helpful for warts, verruca and herpes. St John’s Wort is also used when the skin feels sensitive, painful or tingling. These are the common symptoms of herpes infections, shingles, chicken pox and cold sores.
All the above herbs are useful for boils, infections in wounds after surgery, grazes and cuts. Calendula is especially helpful for infections and wound healing.
Skin health is a big part of daily health care at Bodywise so pop into Bodywise and we will get you sorted.

We can use herbal medicine to relieve our teen girls of PMS and period pain

A healthy menstrual cycle for women is the result of balanced hormones,  which in turn creates healthy skin, muscle and bone structure, lots of happy brain chemicals and emotions, and robust protection from all chronic disease. So whether you are planning on having a baby or not,  the state of a woman’s health is essential for well being  and a productive life.

PMS is not normal.
PMS occurs in about 30% of women and for 3% classified as severe. Possible causes include low progesterone levels, oestrogen dominance and systemic inflammation.

Read more on the options to get healthy menstrual cycles and period pain relief and for more info on women’s health in general

Are you a man who wants to understand more about this topic?
View this great clip

If you’re ready to switching to a natural deodorant, this is what you need to know

Natural deodorants that work are an important part of good health care and sweet arm pits. The most common questions we hear are does it work and does it stain?

With our lovely deodorants, you won’t ever have to worry about persistant stains again and they will work nicely, after a transition period and in some cases when used more regularly. However they are not anti-perspirants so will not affect the amount of sweat produced by your body.

So here are a few of our favourites and we have many more brands at Bodywise so come and take a look.

Herb Farm Fresh Natural and Active Roll-on Deodorant

This roll-on deodorants contains mineral-rich Himalayan salts to fight odours and antibacterial echinacea and calendula plant extracts. The aroma is from orange, ylang ylang and lime essential oils, with an Active choice, being more woody.

Kaia Naturals Deodorants

New from Canada, this popular brand uses activated charcoal to absorb sweat and a probiotic to encourage healthy bacteria in your arm pits. With lovely and interesting fragrances you are spoilt for choice.


A 2 to 4 week transition period can be expected when transitioning from antiperspirant to natural deodorant. Studies show that antiperspirant users experienced an increase in odorous bacteria in the underarm area when they stop using antiperspirant.

During week 3 odorous bacteria should subside and moisture levels normalise.  By week 4 your body should have fully adjusted to natural deodorant. Continue to use the takesumi detox® as a daily deodorant. Our charcoal formula will continue to detox and deodorize.


With the #takesumidetox charcoal deodorants, you won’t ever have to worry about those embarrassing stains again!

Naturale Deodorant

No Aluminium, Chemicals, Staining!

Lasting protection especially for those who exercise.  And in importantly, Naturale Deodorant comes in a card board push up so can be recycled

This is what you need to know if you’re ready to switch to a natural deodorant,

Anti-perspirants are out as they usually contain aluminium chloride* and block sweat glands to inhibit moisture release. Natural deodorants use natural fragrances and anti-bacterial agents ranging from baking soda, clays, herbs, honey and coconut oil to disguise and reduce the formation of odours.


At Bodywise we have a great range of lovely natural deodorants, including Dr Hauschka, Speick, Biologika, Dr Organic, Dirty Hippy and Kaia. You won’t have to worry about embarrassing stains and after a transition period these natural deodorants will work nicely.

For those who have used anti-perspirants to suppress sweat for a long time, there can be a noticeable initial change in the armpit microbiome (bacteria). Transition from an anti-perspiration can be a bit whiffy for a few weeks for a few people. If that is case persevere daily and use more frequently during the day until your pits bacteria create a healthy balance. Products vary in effectiveness and type and generally what will suit you is a very personal experience.

Deodorant Creams in jars are not for people who don’t like the sensation of applying cream to armpits, so try others that come in a recyclable container, as a roll-on or spray.

Wishing you sweet and healthy armpits

We have significantly reduced our environmental waste at Bodywise

Finding places to recycle our waste packaging from Bodywise has been a long standing challenge, until now!

This is what we do to reduce our impact on the environment.

Reminder:  if you need a repeat of a herbal tincture, we can reuse your old bottle? Please put it through your dishwasher first and bring it in.

For more info on recycling go to:

 PMT and hormonal imbalance such as endometriosis, heavy menstruation, polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance, heavy periods and menopause, and associated mood changes and heart problems

We treat women’s hormonal problems from puberty to beyond menopause. Starting at puberty women can have normal menstrual cycles when they are active, a suitable weight, eat healthy foods, avoid alcohol excess and live a relatively stress free life. So that excludes most of the female population!  A women’s lifestyle can greatly influence her mood and healthy so for some guidance come and talk to us at Bodywise.

BV, Thrush- relief for women that restores health!

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) also called: Gardnerella-associated vaginitis or Nonspecific vaginitis. BV is a very common lower genital tract infection in reproductive-age women and is an ecological imbalance of vaginal flora caused by a reduction of the normal lactobacillary bacteria, and the overgrowth of mixed anaerobic flora including Gardnerella vaginalisMycoplasma hominis and others.


Most women with BV have no symptoms however when symptoms do occur they include:

A healthy vagina in females is colonised by hydrogen peroxide and acid-producing lactobacilli, crucial to maintain the healthy PH of the vaginal ecosystem. The hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli are essential in preventing overgrowth of harmful anaerobes in normal vaginal flora. The depletion of these healthy bacteria provide the right environment for the rapid growth of the unhealthy bacteria that lead to a pH elevation and the signs and symptoms of BV. BV may be associated with sexual activity but may not necessarily sexual transmitted. 

Antibiotic treatment has been the standard treatment but does not address the ecological balance of the the vaginal flora. BV is concerning and may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and other chronic infections, infertility, pregnancy problems and low birth weight babies. Until recently, treatment was aimed at removing the bacteria or fungal infections.

There are products on the market that use helpful ingredients like lactic acid and thyme oil however include other ingredients that are not the healthiest for women’s health. Again its very important to know all the ingredients in the products we use.

The good news for women is that a growing body of research into the application and consumption of specific nutrients, herbs and probiotics, to restore healthy vaginal flora.

Nutritional Supplements

Bacterial Vaginosis is no longer thought to be “a nuisance”, and encouraging research in the world of probiotics may quite literally change the landscape for women everywhere.

Drop by for more information from our Herbalist and Naturopath

Chronic recurring bladder infections are less problematic when treated with herbal and nutritional medicine

The urinary tract has developed to be resistant to bacterial imbalances due to the low pH of urine, the presence of urea and flow of urine from the kidneys hindering the build-up of potentially harmful bacteria. However recurring bladder problems are experienced by great numbers of women.

Determining the underlying cause is very important. Structural abnormalities will usually create issues early in life. Dietary factors such as excessive sugar and consumption of processed foods, food allergies and nutritional deficiencies should all be considered. Taking oral contraceptives and antibiotics may make some women more vulnerable. STD’s will also create significant problems.  In addition, incomplete emptying of the bladder (age-related), immobility, inadequate fluid intake and bowel incontinence may also contribute to the development of imbalances. The most significant characteristic of recurrent bladder infections is the adherence of harmful bacteria to the wall or lining of the urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes these bacteria can be removed through the process of urination but large volumes of bacteria may be hard to remove and this leads to recurrent symptoms.

General therapeutic treatment using herbal and nutritional medicine will target the build-up of harmful bacteria and support the body’s removal of them. If you have questions please come and talk to one of our herbalists.

Urinary Health

Urinary disorders for men and women are reduced with Herbal Medicine

Broad spectrum antiseptic herbs for Urinary Tract infections

Herbs such as cranberry, uva ursi and couch grass and many others effectively destroy infective organisms which cause cystitis, dysuria, urethritis, pyelitis, prostatitis (for men). A variety of herbs specifically prescribed will provide:

Urinary herbs work best when the urine has an alkaline pH therefore eating lots of leafy vegetables and taking a urinary alkalizer such as bicarbonate of soda will help

If you have recently had antibiotics this can be a very helpful follow on treatment

Bodywise Herbalists will prescribe the most effective combination for you, come and talk to us anytime.

Have you been told you have high cholesterol levels?

Many people find their cholesterol levels rise along with their age. After paying attention to diet and alcohol consumption, herbal medicine can be just what you need.

Key herbs include globe artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion root which aid liver function and may help lower cholesterol levels.

These herbs are suitable for long term use and they will provide added benefits for your health. Herbs are a good alternative for those who are looking for something other than statins.

Provided in liquid herbal tincture form, they can be taken in conjunction with beneficial lifestyle changes such as a nourishing diet and increased exercise.

Globe artichoke (cynara scolymus) has strong antioxidant activity, preventing oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) which can lead to atherosclerosis. It also inhibits cholesterol synthesis. This herb acts as hypolipidemic agent, which means it helps lower blood lipid levels, reducing the risks associated with high cholesterol levels. Other nourishing herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion root are bitters, which help to stimulate the liver function.

For men and women, treatments may vary so advice from a naturopath can be very useful in the long term. Check out our article on men and heart health.

Come into Bodywise to receive your own tailored herbal tincture to support your cholesterol levels and health needs.

Cold showers improve our health, wealth and environment!

After a summer of jumping into the sea and feeling so invigorated every time, I wondered if I could keep this great feeling going with cold showering. The benefits of the cold-water treatments currently “on trend”, are backed up with research concluding that the health benefits are many and even more importantly the practice is great for the environment and your power bill.


It gets easier and you may find it a healthy habit

While a hard transition to make in the first few days, here’s some tips. Instead of jumping straight under the cold shower head and starting to scream, you can start with a normal warm (not hot) shower, turn down to cool water starting on your feet, then move on to your legs and arms, torso and head. The greatest physiological response to cold water exposure was observed during the first 30 seconds. A lower water pressure is easier until you can happily sing in the shower. Gradually the body gets used to the cool and you can make it colder. Considering current water restrictions, a cold-water shower will lessen the amount of water you will use.


Cold showers lift your mood and clears your mind

Cold-water stimulation releases endorphins and hormones in the blood sending an abundance of electrical pulses to the brain that are uplifting while reducing stress and anxiety, and could result in an anti-depressive effect. So, tired or sad, you may jump start your day and get that to do list signed off quick smart. Check out what the researchers have to say


Your skin will love you so much more

People with eczema, dermatitis and acne may see an improvement within a few days to a few weeks. Just like in your kitchen sink, hot water melts fats. This is not what your skin likes at all. Use cool to cold water and your skin and hair may feel less dry and less likely to need as much moisturiser and hair conditioner. Observe what your skin likes temperature wise, if really cold water reacts just as bad as hot, take note– go for tepid shower.

And for those who love to swim in public pools, shower first to hydrate your skin and less chlorinated water will be absorbed. After swimming wash in tepid water with a gentle natural unscented soap, pat yourself dry gently and moisturise. Check out our lovely natural moisturisers from Dr Hauschka, Waihi bush, Hopes Relief and more.


It strengthens your immune and lymphatic system and promotes circulation

Word has it from researchers in a 2016 study that you will have few days of sick. The cardio vascular system responds to the changes in temperature by dilating or constriction the blood vessels which floods or inhibits blood to the extremities and skin surface. Alternating hot and cold has been used for years to treat a variety of conditions, however each person needs to consider what makes them feel good and finishing with cold will help the circulatory to bring blood to the surface areas and the lymphatic system carry out waste from cells. Altogether this all helps our immune system.


It saves money and you will likely use less water

Simply put – cold showers mean lower electricity or gas bills and reduced environmental impact.

We all need a good sunscreen when out and about, however we wonder if sunblock directly on your face everyday is good for you. A good “primer” will give you a level of both protection and preparation for makeup or sunscreen

Skincare and Makeup Primer benefits:       
Start by cleansing and toning as part of your morning routine, then apply the following:
To enhance you skin/s renewal at night, always use a gentle cream cleanser and a light moisturising serum instead of a heavy cream at night to allow your skin to breathe and detox.



Oasis, Alba, Coola

Endometriosis – is a complex chronic condition many young women suffer from early teens. Thankfully there have been new developments in the naturopathic treatment of endometriosis.

Inflammation is a contributing driver of endometriosis and must be addressed before any woman can get well. Imbalances within the microbiome (the gut  bacteria) have been identified as one of the inflammatory drivers of endometriosis. Gram negative bacteria have been linked to triggering chronic immune system activation in inflammatory diseases

Here are a couple of questions to consider:
Do you have signs of gut dysbiosis – bloating, discomfort, IBS?
Are the symptoms worst before or during your period?
If you answered yes to either, the chances are you need help

The earlier we can educate and treat a teenage girl or young woman using naturopathic protocols the better the outcome.

For more information contact our Naturopath and Herbalist Bridget

Read more on the options to get healthy menstrual cycles and period pain relief and for more info on womens health in general

Are you a man who wants to understand more about this topic?
View this great clip 

Need a shake up to lose weight and be really healthy?  This is For You.

Tired and unmotivated about reducing weight? This is for You!

Want to reduce weight forever without running marathons? This is for You

Are you over the feelings of tiredness, lack of motivation and embarrassment from carrying more baggage (aka fat) than you know is good for you?

Yes! – then the famous and scientifically researched Metagenics Shake It Weight Loss and Wellness programme is your pre-christmas gift to supersize your well-being and boost your confidence for when you put the budgee smugglers or bathing suit on, walk down the aisle, or simply need to feel fit and healthy

Need convincing as to why you should make a commitment to yourself

You are not alone with weight problems – 1:2 people are over-weight or obese in NZ. Excessive fat mass is not just a cosmetic issue, ie do I look fabulous. Data has shown (and we think you will know all this), that the greater the fat mass, the great the risk of all chronic diseases such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnoea, mood disorders, arthritis and so on …

The Good news – 5% to 10% reduction in weight loss shows dramatic improvement in all health markers

Metagenics Shake It Weight Maintenance and Wellness programme

This programme draws on the very latest research into the drivers of weight gain and how to regain an efficient fat burning metabolism. You have the added bonus of a Naturopath to keep you on track and provide a personalised 6 week programme that will set you up for many summers to come.

Bridget is our Naturopath who provides the information and supplements you will require for the Shake It Weight Management Program, all based on the most up to date clinical research.

The program offers flexibility with:

two healthy, wholefood eating plans for you to choose from

incorporates evidence-based exercise – not to hard out

behavioural change strategies to help support lasting weight loss

baseline measurements for you to track your progess

Support from supplements and herbs to optimise your fat loss and support other health issues


We all do better with a companion to keep us honest, here is our offer!


Your investment covers:

1x 45 minute consult with Bridget to get an overall health assessment

5x weekly weigh – in and general check in (15 mins). Here is where you buddy comes in – both of you go together

1x container of Shake It, which last 2 – 3 weeks

1x probiotic – specific to your needs

Hand book that includes charts to monitor your progress


Your investment:

$360 – That’s $60 per week to renew you! Or $330 – with a buddy

Payment is required in advance and you can begin asap – Christmas is not far away


People who have participated in this program have:

safely lost fat mass and reduced weight while preserving their muscle mass

improved their energy levels and given their wellbeing and confidence at lift

learnt how to keep the weight down, manage and correct festive blow outs


Some powerful reasons to lose body fat:

Removing excess body fat will make you feel happier

Looking good means feeling more motivated and confident

Reduces the risk of developing many chronic diseases

Reverses nearly all markers of health problems

Improved energy levels equal more vitality for enjoying exercise and socialising

Reduces signs of premature ageing!


Consider fat loss a type of ‘life insurance’.

You will empower yourself. Losing body fat is an incredibly powerful experience that only you have the power tackle head on and only you will truly experience the personal reward.

This Shake It Weight Loss and Wellness Programme, with support from our naturopath Bridget, will keep you nourished while turning your body back into the evolutionary fat burning human we were supposed to always be.

Get in touch with Bridget for more information.

Christmas is only 7 weeks away, So BOOK NOW

No offence men, but many of you are famous for paying more attention to your favourite sports team, cars and work than to the early warning signs of health problems. So, do you need a boost?

A biggy is indigestion and fatigue. A pharmaceutical is often the first prescription, but sadly the side effect does not deal to the underlying problem of food choices, alcohol consumption, lowered hydrochloric acid levels, inflammation and even bacterial overgrowths.

Combining the most important herbs, supplements and specific probiotics for men will:

Ginseng – A traditional rejuvenation tonic for the nervous system, sexual health, immune function, and stress hormone balance
Tribulus – Traditionally used in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, to support healthy sperm production and energy
Saw Palmetto – A nourishing herb for the endocrine system,  reproductive function, including prostate health
St Johns Wort – For anxiety, depression, lacking in confidence
Valerian or Kava – Can significantly reduce anxiety and  irritability while creating calm thinking and the quality of sleep
Cinnamon or Gymnema – Can moderate blood sugar levels
Gentiana and Wormwood – promote gastric juices in the stomach and bile secretion from the liver.
Milk Thistle – To aid detoxification pathways in the liver
We will also consider your thyroid function – even if your tests may have be in the normal range, we can offer support where your total picture indicates there may be a sluggish thyroid and adrenal function. Other herbs can help with Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Ulcerative Colitis.
So give your internal engine a tune up and see how much that will improve your performance

Our naturopath Bridget can blend the herbs you specifically need in one bottle. Along with specific nutrients you will get the boost you need while you improve your overall health.

So guys, don’t delay!  Your future wellbeing is important.

The pollen season in upon us again and an allergy to pollen may affect your brain function and your thinking

What happens to get such horrid exhausting symptoms.

Firstly you are out and about enjoying life until that fine layer of pollen you touch and breath stimulates your immune system to over-react. Potential allergens such as food, pollen, insects, chemicals, medications and very occasionally herbs and supplements, (just being honest), stimulate our immume system to produce Ig E antibodies that attach to mast cells in tissues releasing chemicals like histamine. What follows are the symptoms of swelling, redness, itching, fatigue, muscle pain, aggravation of asthma and eczema and brain fog.

Allergies are strongly linked to nutritionally poor and processed foods that create a ‘Leaky gut’ or Intestinal permeability. Repairing and nourishing the digestive tract lining is vitally important for a healthy immune system.

Herbal and nutritional solutions for acute and chronic treatment include:

We will make a herbal combination specific to your needs,  and there are many quality options in tablet or capsule that  combine many of these ingredients available right now at Bodywise 

The life changing herb Vitex has been used for generations in India and Europe and is the angel herb for calming and balancing hormonal problems in women and those teens, male or female who are prone to acne. Barely a day goes by when we are not offering Vitex.

Vitex, also known as Vitex Agnes Castus or Chaste Tree, helps relieve premenstrual symptoms such as nervous tension, moodiness, bloating, fluid retention and breast pain collectively known as PMT or the far more disturbing PMMD. Those who experience PMDD are often unable to function at their normal capacity while symptoms are present and need a broad naturopathic approach to balancing their hormones and general health.

By regulating the menstrual cycle, an increase in the happy hormone dopamine occurs which has a positive effect on the hormonal system and may induce a better quality of sleep.

Vitex or Chaste Tree helps improve general wellbeing primarily by lowering high prolactin levels and may help with the following symptoms:


The Therapeutic Dose

Historically the dose was administered each morning as a tea, tincture and more recently in tablet form. However recent advice suggests any time during the day is useful. However, a morning and evening dose of Vitex may have a positive effect on sleep.

For a more thorough explanation here is a quote from the Materia Medica of Western Herbs by Carole Fisher.

“The dopaminergic effect, which inhibits prolactin, is the most thoroughly studied aspect of Vitex. There is also suggestion of its effects on oestrogen receptor binding, progesterone receptor expression (by reducing prolactin secretion), opioid receptor activity and more recently melatonin release. If sleep disturbance were related to hormonal disturbance I would divide the doses into am and pm.”

A selection of other supplements that assist women in general include – Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex and specifically Vitamin B6 – (also useful for women prone to nausea in pregnancy), essential fatty acids, zinc and more. Come and talk to our naturopath Bridget, she will get you back feeling on top of the world. And as always if symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

Get to know our qualified medical herbalist and naturopath

The healing properties of  naturopathy and herbal medicine have developed by humans for over 3000 years and approximately seventy five percent of the world’s population still relies on traditional plant use in medical treatment. A naturopath or medical herbalist will prescribe herbs to work together for each person correcting imbalances and enhancing the body’s ability to maintain good health.

Bridget our naturopath prepares herbal medicine

This is Bridget McCormick, who has a 3 year health science degree specialising in naturopathy and herbal medicine. After 3 years at Bodywise, Bridget has extensive clinical experience as our resident medical herbalist and naturopath.

We highly recommend a unique combination of liquid herbs from our herbal dispensary, prescribed to treat the acute symptoms and also the chronic underlying health problems.

In complicated situations and as a result of the professional opinion of our practitioners, a private consultation may be recommended before prescribing from the herbal dispensary. With your agreement they would book a consultation at Bodywise for you.

Visit our herbal dispensary today and talk to our naturopath and medical herbalist Bridget about your health.

Protect your sacred heart warming herbs for hypertension and heart disease

Perhaps it is because we are having a very cold winter that some customers coming into Bodywise have presented with heart disease and in particular heart arrythmias and hypertension. Here are some of our thoughts on the classification of hypertension and complimentary herbal, nutritional and lifestyle options. We do not intend to offer this information as a prescription and certainly not in place of your GP’s recommendation. A consult with our Naturopath Bridget would be the best option to compliment a GP’s guidance

Let’s start with a little about the cardio vascular system that consists of 2 complementary systems

  1. Blood circulation, consisting of the heart that pumps blood out to the whole body through the arteries and eventually into tiny capillaries, while the veins return blood to the heart
  2. Lymphatic circulation; lymph vessels and nodes remove waste from our tissues.

* Also see our post Nutrition for a happy heart: Its not really a great mystery

What could possibly go wrong? Lots really and sometimes slowly

Most cardio-vascular symptoms develop silently and slowly as people age and are aggravated by stress & anxiety, thyroid disease, mineral deficiencies (such as magnesium and potassium), in some people excess sodium from salt, alcohol and drugs, caffeine, lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, severe trauma and virus’s, a variety of chronic ailments, and even a heart broken from grief. Sometimes no cause is found.


Some of the common symptoms of cardiovascular disease may include:

Irregularities in the heart beat felt as a palpitation, racing heart beats or just simply an awareness within the region of the heart that may include pain extending down the left arm, tightness in the chest and indigestion.

Free radical damage causing inflammation, often associated with diet, lifestyle and illness, elevated LDL Cholesterol, and homocysteine levels that may also be associated with nutritional deficiency

Hypertension: Narrowing or hardening of the arteries due to inflammation leads to the placement of plaque and eventually results in hypertension, stokes, aneurysms, kidney disease and some would research suggests dementia


Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the measurement of pressure (mmHg) in your arteries during the active pumping of the heart muscle and resting phases after each heartbeat and is recorded using a blood pressure monitor.

Normal blood pressure levels have been revised over the last few years and a more holistic approach is now advised by GPs. Blood pressure varies throughout the day depending on body position, breathing rhythm, stress levels, fitness and activity, infections, medications, what you eat and drink, and time of day. Blood pressure is usually lowest at night and rises sharply on waking alongside cortisol levels that get us up and going. Young adults are more likely to have elevated blood pressure levels due to the prevalence of high BMI, obesity, high alcohol consumptions, poor diet choices and stress. Pregnant women are also more likely to have complications such as pre-eclampsia due to the same drivers of ill health

Defining hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure (BP) is often a silent problem until picked up by a reading usually taken by your GP and is a potentially dangerous problem if left untreated. Complications include kidney disease and may lead to strokes, aneurysms and heart disease as described above.

Systolic pressure: The top number in a blood pressure reading is the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood through your arteries to the rest of your body. SBP is greatly influenced by stress.

Diastolic pressure: The bottom number in a blood pressure reading refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats.

The cardiovascular risk associated with increasing blood pressure increases with every 2 mmHg in the systolic blood pressure, with the risk of death from ischaemic heart disease and stroke rising between 7% and 10%. The line between normal blood pressure and hypertension varies when the patients clinical picture is taken into consideration. At any level above normal, patients need to make lifestyle adjustments to control or reduce their blood pressure.

Hypertension is diagnosed and classified in the same way in all adults, however, treatment targets are individualised on the basis of age and other health problems.

Adult hypertension

An intermediate blood pressure level is described as a blood measurement of 120-139/80-89 mmHg.

Stage one (mild) hypertension is defined as a clinic blood pressure measurement of ≥140/90 mmHg, or an average daytime ambulatory blood pressure measurement of ≥135/85 mmHg.1

Stage two (moderate) hypertension is defined as a clinic blood pressure measurement of ≥160/100 mmHg, or an average daytime ambulatory blood pressure measurement of ≥150/95 mmHg1

Severe hypertension is defined as a systolic pressure of ≥180 mmHg, or a diastolic pressure of ≥110 mmHg.

Isolated systolic hypertension is defined as a clinic systolic blood pressure of ≥160 mmHg and diastolic < 90 mmHg.

Isolated diastolic hypertension is defined as a clinic diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or higher and a clinic systolic pressure of less than 140 mmHg.

For a comprehensive review and complimentary therapies see the following:



Often undiagnosed and ignored, blood pressure can be lower than 120/80 or with a pressure difference of less than 40mm Hg. Hypotension can lead to feelings of not coping, lethargy and tiredness, dizziness, fuzzy head/poor memory, needing to get up at night for the loo, swelling in the veins and ankles. Hypotension reduces blood flow and oxygenation so very low blood pressure is potentially as dangerous as very high blood pressure. Herbal medicine and supplements to treat underlying fatigue and cardiac function.


Herbal combinations can cover multiple aspects of health problems, all in one bottle. Here are a few of the herbs that may be used.

Hawthorn: is a powerful herbal aid healthy contraction of heart muscle and therefor useful for arrhythmias, coronary flow and arterial health

Garlic: promotes arterial health and may reduce BP, blood sugar lipids; while acting as an anti-oxidant and may help prevent clots that may lead to deep vein thrombosis and strokes, use aged garlic or add raw fresh garlic to the end of your cooking so that its potency will remain intact

Dandelion leaf: high in potassium, dandelion leaf reduces the blood volume by promoting the excretion of excess fluid in the body. For those with kidney disease, this herb may not be used.

Horse Chestnut: valuable for varicose veins, thromboses and haemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and promoting healing

Motherwort: otherwise known as Leonarus Cardiaca is a bitter from the mint family with an ability to decrease blood clotting, relax smooth muscle,  strengthen electrical activity in the heart and lower blood pressure when accoumpanied by stress and anxiety. As a result its calming actions can slow heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat.

Motherwort or Leonurus Cardiaca

otherwort or Leonurus Cardiaca

Milk Thistle: provides antioxidant action that enable healthy liver function and tissue integrity aid in the elimination of toxins from the liver and supports the normal processing of hormones in the body. Ultimately this aides synthesis of cholesterol in turn healthy circulation.

Ginger and Cayenne – has a warming, vaso-dilating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Valerian, Holy Basil, Baical Skullcap and more: These are just a few of the herbs that calm a wired and tired nervous system. There are too many options to include.

The science of blending herbs to meet the needs of every individual makes for a multisystem approach to health care and improving cardio-vascular health.

Visit Bodywise and we will blend your own unique heart tonic.

For those who want to read more:

Nutrition for a happy heart: Its not really a great mystery a French study on hypertension

Go to Dr Weil who has fascinating info, check out his comments of avocado and coconut




Capillary problems such a Chilblains and Raynauds Syndrome

Raynauds and Chilblains have a familial history are the most likely problem due to dysfunction of the fine capillaries and while not life threatening are painful and are difficult to manage! The surface of skin may swell or crack when the capillaries constrict with cold temperatures. The herbs used for cardio vascular health can promote healthy circulation from the inside, and herbal creams alongside a warm pair of gloves and can help protect and heal.


Venous Problems

Varicose veins mostly occur in leg veins while haemorrhoids occur in the rectum. Mostly of a hereditary origin, these venous problems are aggravated by a bad inflammatory diet and constipation, standing for long periods, obesity, lack of exercise and pregnancy. Veins become stretched and look knotty/dark, may cause swelling with discomfort and can lead to inflammation, enlargement, clot formation and leg ulcers. Alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle, there are a variety of herbs and supplements that promote venous return, and over time will restore strength to lax venous tissue. Conventional treatments include Injections, surgery, laser treatment to shut down veins or stockings to support them. These options are not for everybody so using diet, supplementation and herbs can make life a loss more comfortable and these options can be used in pregnancy when guided by a naturopath.

Key point: Healthy blood sugar metabolism maximises our cardiovascular health and makes for a happy heart

The foods that we humans are designed to eat come from a diet rich in raw fruits, (4 portions daily) and all colorful vegetables (6 portions daily), including wholegrains, low gluten wheats and oats, a variety of lentils and legumes.

Add a few portions of fish and seafood per week, small portions of lean meats (pasture fed), small handfuls of sprouted nuts & seeds, avocados and olive oil, herbs and spices as have been used across the globe for thousands of years.

All vegetables and fruits are very high in the minerals, calcium, magnesium and potassium that are vital for alkalizing our body and providing key minerals for healthy electrolyte balance and a healthy cardio vascular system.

All natural foods are superfoods and will provide an abundance of minerals and vitamins if fresh, raw or lightly steamed to preserve vitamins. Eating foods that represent all the colours of the rainbow with every meal from tiny infants to old age will provide all the vitamins and minerals we need to maintain good health. While organic is ideal, what is most important is that you eat healthy food. Frozen foods may get bad press, however in most cases the vegetables are harvested at the optimum time and frozen in high powered conditions that reduce the risk of loss of colour and nutritional value. These also make for ease of use when life is at full speed.

Drink Water, the elixir of life. Water supports hydrates all our cells and is involved in everybody function including the removal of waste from the lymphatic system.


Supplements to assist the body, while you eat beautiful colorful food

Sometimes the body will restore health more quickly with supplements specific to the needs of the body and mind. Here are a few essentials and are available in the appropriate form from Bodywise

Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium in the appropriate form acts as a relaxant, helping to reduce feelings of stress, and assists regulation blood sugar levels.

Omega 3 EPA/DHA – anti-inflammatory, lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

Co-enzyme Q10 – antioxidant, increases energy in heart muscle

Vitamin B complex and in particular B6, B9 and B12 – to reduce homocysteine levels, which are a threat to cardiovascular health

Antioxidants – Grapeseed extract, Vitamins C & E quench free radicals

NAD and Lipoic acid – enhance cellular energy and help maintains normal blood sugar levels

Boost your immune system to protect yourself from viral, bacterial and fungal infections using liquid herbs


What to avoid… Everything else, 90% of the time!

Refined sugar and flour found in cakes, biscuits, sweets, canned or packaged foods, including more than a glass of wine or equivalent daily, and coffee

Caffeine, artificial additives, hydrogenated and saturated fats found in takeaways, margarine, fried foods, packaged foods.


General Lifestyle Tips

Understand your risk profile with a combination of assessments such as BMI, hydration levels, BP, pulse, weight and your waist measurement. If you feel you want to skip the above, find all the clothes in your wardrobe you cannot fit anymore! Here is a general guideline.

Men and women are at risk of all diseases if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102 cms) for men and greater than 35 inches (89 cms) for women.

Discover and manage stress triggers and work/play balance, with fun activities and companionship. Feelings of loneliness, despondency, inferiority etc. all trigger stress. We can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. The question is why?

Learn about mindfulness, meditation and yourself so that you have a clear idea what we want and how to get what we want and let go of what is not serving us.

Exercise 30 minutes daily, at a pace that makes you breath moderately fast, yet you can still talk preferably in fresh air and sunshine

Exchange fat mass for muscle mass, especially for all those with insulin resistance, by using weights or your body weight for strength training. In general, you may enhance cardiovascular health and reduce your blood pressure by about 1 millimetre of mercury (mm Hg) with each kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of weight you lose. For tips, read the nutrition guide above and then get moving.

Sleep, the great restorer. Find 7- 8 hours per night (preferably starting by 10pm) and make time for a nap on the weekends. This lowers a stress levels and in particular cortisol that when elevated ensures you gain weight.

Want to know more? Drop into Bodywise and speak with our naturopath Bridget or give us a call on 03 5468611


Tummy bugs can wreak havoc on your gut’s delicate ecosystem, which has more healthy bacteria of many differing strains than all the other cells in the body put together.

A healthy ecosystem within your digestive tract ensures the breakdown of food for nourishment, cell repair and a powerful immune system. When your ecosystem is damaged from the unhealthy foods and drinks or bugs you may experience all kinds of health issues, from asthma to arthritis.

This could give us a reason to reflect on our food choices such as; pre-packaged versus bagging vegetables ourselves, washing before eating, and buying smaller amounts to be consumed quickly. Farmers markets and vegetable shops offer great food where quality is evident and tired food will not sell. Also, and this not anything new, washing your hands before preparing and eating food is protective!

If you have any infection from any foul food or water here are some natural health options to get your gut back to a healthy state.

Caution: If a baby, child or elderly person’s alertness is affected after diarrhoea it is very important you get them to a doctor.

Natural Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies

Arsenicum, Colocynths and Podophyllum have been used for over 100 years as great first aid remedies for food poisoning. In homeopathic practice, the symptoms that are unique to the person guide us to the correct homeopathic remedy. Of the many, here are the first choices and as you will see there is quite a variation in the expression of the gastric infection.

Activated Charcoal tablets are naturally absorbent materials made from coal and wood that drugs and toxins will bind to. This helps rid the body of unwanted substances in our bowel motions. Do not combine activated charcoal with drugs used for constipation as this may cause electrolyte imbalances and may reduce or prevent the absorption of certain drugs. Charcoal should be taken for a short time only.

Probiotics – for children Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus reuteri and Saccharomyces boulardii appear to be the most effective. Travellers’ Diarrhoea is caused by contaminated food or water. The strongest medical research points to benefits from S. boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacteria bifidum. After Antibiotics, Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus GG seem to be the most effective.

Clay – sounds awful, however the minerals within the clay attract the toxic metals and unwanted parasites that we consume and are excreted in our stools. Clay water is also full of minerals, so when well diluted and sipped can be a useful alkaliser.

Herbal Medicine – Oregano, Trigonella, Juniper, Archimellia Vulgaris for acute infection and then as a post infection tonic to boost the immune system and repair inflammation in the digestive tract. These can be put together from an herbal dispensary.

As infections of this nature can have long lasting effects on our health, it is a good idea to treat the symptoms pro-actively. After initial medical treatment, the herbs and supplements can reduce inflammation, provide a gentle anti-bacterial support while replacing the digestive flora with the probiotics. Homeopathic remedies can treat the remaining symptoms in most cases but professional assistance will be advised.

Caution: – None of the advice above should be used exclusively as medical treatment. If you are worried – get professional advice.


Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

News reports from a couple of years ago of a painful food poisoning resulting in hospitalisation and was caused by a bug called yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Interestingly those affected had multiple exposures to pre-bagged lettuce and carrots.

If you’ve been infected with yersinia pseudotuberculosis, it usually takes 5-10 days for the symptoms to develop (but sometimes up to 21 days).

Animals and humans can both get yersinia pseudotuberculosis. It can be spread by contact with;

The disease can still be present in faeces weeks after the symptoms have gone.

The symptoms of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis include:


Every week at Bodywise we are asked how to heal leg ulcers. Usually ulcers occur in the elderly, those on bed rest and diabetics. When the normal healing response is compromised due to a lack of circulating blood and therefore oxygen and nutrients, an area of tissue may break down due to the slightest knock or scratch or from prolonged pressure that inhibits blood supply and waste removal. In these situations tissue will not heal and a secondary infection sets in because the skin barrier has been broken. Having a weakened digestion and underlying health problems such as getting old, diabetes, inflammation, lack of sunlight, poor diet and nutritional deficiencies all contribute to poor wound healing.

showing healing leg ulcers

Not surprisingly, to heal your body needs extra nutrients (zinc, vitamin A and C, particularly) and an improved digestive capability to get nutrition from our digestion circulated to the skin tissue. Meanwhile avoiding and removing infection from the site is important and using quality clay can be the answer for so many people.  Bentonite clay has been used for so long by humans. The traditional use of clay as medicine goes back to prehistoric times, possibly when it was discovered as a material useful for making tools.

1. Promote absorption of nutrients

Now is the time to be really attentive to what you eat and drink.  Firstly, avoid inflammatory foods especially foods such as wheat that leave you feeling sluggish and affect your bowels.

An abundance of green and colorful vegetables and a quality protein (the size of your each palm) at least 2 times a day is essential to promote healing of the digestive tract and aid healing in general. A protein-deficient diet may be a contributing cause of the ulcer. Other essential nutrients are Vitamins A, C, E and the minerals Zinc, Selenium and Iodine, both significantly low in our soils.

2. Promote circulation and detoxification

Using specific herbs our Naturopath can stimulate digestion, heart function and immunity. If stress is also a problem, help find solutions both medicinal and practical and important. Gentle exercise is also important to get extra oxygen and nutrients to the outer skin and has the added benefit of reducing stress hormones. Detoxifying the body really means cleaning out the waste and is enhanced with herbal medicine and teas. Another method is using bentonite clay is a simple way to remove wastes and toxic material. You must drink a lot of water; I mean at least 2 litres per day and include a good tablespoon of ground flaxseed each day to ensure that accumulated waste is removed from the body.

3. Remove secondary infection

If you have other low grade infections such as bad teeth, gastritis, sinusitis etc, we would strongly recommend that you also take antibacterial herbs, specific to your needs for a period of treatment to match that of the use of the clay. Even if the ulcer has only a localised infection, we would suggest some herbal medicine for all the reasons stated above. The use of colloidal silver, a few drops at a time into the wound during the day may also be suggested and a healing cream such as calendula.

Now you are aware of how to the increase your overall health, here are the directions for using the healing properties of clay.

We have a couple of clay’s that we promote at Bodywise one from Australia and the other from NZ.  Most of our experience has been with our bluish Australian Bentonite clay. Clay has negatively charged electrical molecules that attract a variety of toxic metals, bacteria, viruses and parasites that carry a positive charge. These positively charged toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis and accumulate in our tissues and fat, are conveniently attracted to the clay. All we have to do is help the body remove the wastes using fiber (if taken internally) or simply washed away when applied to our skin.

Use a quality clay as a pack in, on and around the ulcer daily until the ulcer has gone. This may take 2 to 4 weeks depending on the level of infection and healing capabilities. Clay removes wastes from the area and draws healthy nutrients and oxygen in the blood promoting healing. The clay will stop infection from setting in during this process.
