Product Details

Daytime relief to relax tight chests and soothe dry, tickly airways. Suitable for babies and children to 12 years.

  • Helps relax and ease a tight chest
  • Helps settle dry, tickly airways
  • Supports healthy breathing
  • Includes Pelargonium, which clinical research shows supports recovery from winter-related ills


Each 5ml dose contains:

  • Pelargonium root 126.75mg
  • Marshmallow root 621.2mg
  • Mullein leaf 869.8mg
  • Ivy leaf 200mg

In a base of chicory root fibre, vegetable glycerine, natural flavours, citric acid, and water

This low sugar formulation contains less than 0.06g of sugar per 5ml dose.


  •  Infant 0-1 years: 0.5ml (5 drops)
  • Children 1-2 years: 1 to 2ml (1/4 metric teaspoon)
  •  Children 2-5 years: 2 to 3ml (1/2 metric teaspoon)
  • Children 5 years and over: 5ml (1 metric teaspoon

Take recommended dose by age group 3 times per day OR if acutely unwell, take recommended dose two to three hourly up to 6 times per day.

Shake well before use.



·         Always follow the directions on the bottle or as advised by your naturopath or health professional

·         Keep out of reach of children.

·         If symptoms persist, especially in an infant under 2 years, see your healthcare professional.

·         Gluten and Dairy Free,

Information here is not to be construed as medical advice
