Product Details

Supports clear sinuses, dries excess mucus & soothes heavy heads. Great support for head congestion & during spring allergen season. Suitable for babies and children to 12 years.

  • Helps keep sinuses clear
  • Helps dry runny noses
  • Soothes the throat and a heavy head
  • Includes Echinacea, which clinical research shows supports upper respiratory tract health during winter-related ills. 


Each 5ml dose contains:

  • Echinacea Root 877.24mg
  • Pelargonium Root 131.58mg
  • Elder Flowers 947.73mg
  • Ribwort Leaf 689.26mg

 In a base of chicory root fibre, vegetable glycerine, natural flavours, citric acid and water

This low sugar formulation contains less than 0.06g of sugar per 5ml dose.



To support blocked noses and heavy sinuses, take recommended dose by age group up to three times per day.

 To support sinuses discharging mucus, take recommended dose up to five times per day.

  •         Infants 0-1 years: 0.5ml (10 drops)
  •        Children 1-2- years: 1 to 2ml (1/4 metric teaspoon)
  •        Children 2-5 years: 2 to 3ml (1/2 metric teaspoon)
  •         Children 5 years and over: 5ml (1 metric teaspoon)


Syrup may be warmed a little to enable easier pouring or drawing dose into a syringe

Is this product right for you or your whanau?

Different herbs are used at different times when people are sick with chills and ills

Check with one of our Bodywise team if you are unsure.


  •            Read the label and use as directed unless advise by your natural health practitioners. Always feel comfortable getting a second opinion and consult your GP if symptoms persist.
  •            Always read the label and use as directed.
  •           If taking prescribed medication, consult your health professional before taking this product. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice.
  • Not suitable for diabetics
  • Information here is not to be construed as medical advice




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